BendixKing KFD 840 User Manual

Page 81

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Honeywell Bendix/King KFD 840 Primary Flight Display

KFD 840 PG PN 7450-0840-01 Weight and Balance Area
Rev E Oct 15, 2010 9-3


Honeywell International Inc. Do not copy without express permission of Honeywell

• CG envelope in weight and arm
• Empty aircraft weight

• Empty aircraft arm
• Empty weigh date

(Date the aircraft was weighed)

The aircraft units of measurement are one of the following

• Inches, pounds and gallons

• Feet, pounds, and gallons
• Centimeters, kilograms and liters

• Meters, kilograms and liters

The display does not accommodate CG envelopes in percent (%)
Mean Aerodynamic Cord (MAC), moment, or non-linear envelopes.

Some aircraft may define the flight center of gravity envelope in
terms of weight and moment (i.e. lb-in). The moment data can be
converted to arm for input to the PC Utility. Many times, the moment
published is divided by a factor of 100 or 1000 to make the data
easier to work with. Example: (moment X factor) / weight = arm.

Not all aircraft define or limit some of the maximum or minimum
weights. For example, many aircraft may not have a maximum ramp
weight, zero fuel weight or a minimum flight weight listed in the
limitations section of the AFM or POH. If the aircraft does not limit
one of the weights or does not define one of the inputs, then select
the “No Limit” option in the PC Utility for that weight.

The most current aircraft Empty Weight and Balance (Moment/Arm)
information should be used. If the aircraft weight and balance data is
changed for any reason (i.e. aircraft modification, seat removal, etc.)
the SD card data file should be updated to the most current

It is possible to have multiple files for the aircraft. One file may be for
when the aircraft in operating in the “Normal” category and one when
its operating in the “Utility” category (if approved). It is up to the pilot
to select the proper data file for the particular flight (See Figure 9-3
W&B File Load Page)