BendixKing KFC 500 User Manual
Page 6

March 27, 1998
The dual KFC 500 Automatic Flight
Control System is available in two
configurations for the Bell 430.
These configuration are a basic dual
three axis SCAS/Autopilot system
and a dual three axis SCAS/Autopilot
with single Flight Director system.
The dual system configuration is
composed of a pilot selectable pri-
mary (# 1) and secondary (# 2) con-
trol system. The primary and sec-
ondary systems each have a
separate flight control computer with
dedicated roll and pitch axes servos.
The primary and secondary systems
are also configured with required
dedicated sensors such that there is
a high degree of probability that dur-
ing any flight the basic Autopilot
Attitude/Heading Hold functions in
the pitch and roll axes will be avail-
able to the flight crew. The other
basic control elements are switched
between the selected flight control
systems such that under normal con-
ditions the secondary system will
have the same basic Autopilot/SCAS
functionality as the primary system
except for Force Trim fly-through
capability. Flight Director functions
(available only with SCAS/Autopilot
with Flight Director system) are only
provided when the primary system is
selected. The basic SCAS/Autopilot
system provides the same capability
as the system with Flight Director in
the basic SCAS and AP Autopilot
modes. In case of failure of the pri-
mary system the secondary system
may be selected by the crew to
maintain required work-load relief.
This secondary system operating as
a “hot standby spare” must be pre-
flight tested and passed prior to
departure to insure that it will be
available if needed during flight and
that full control authority is available.
The KFC 500 primary
SCAS/Autopilot with Flight Director
system is integrated with the KAD
480 Central Air Data System and the
electronic flight instrument system to
enhance user-friendliness as well as
system annunciation. This system
combines complete stability augmen-
tation, autopilot, and optional flight
director computation functions in a
single computer. Its digital flight com-
puter and integrated architecture
enable the KFC 500 to determine
helicopter control requirements
sooner, and to execute them with
greater smoothness and accuracy
than previous generation systems.
Digital, solid-state design throughout
the Flight Control System provides
maximum reliability while economiz-
ing on system weight and required
installation space. The KFC 500 is
designed to optimize passenger and
flight crew comfort, while still provid-
ing accurate control response in any
flight situation. Whenever possible,
autopilot induced aircraft motions
border on the lower limits of human
perceptibility, ensuring exceptionally
smooth flight. The Flight Control
System’s maximum command val-
ues were tailored for the Bell 430
during the aircraft certification pro-
cess. Internal safety monitors and
automatic self-test functions keep
constant track of the KFC 500’s sta-
tus, and provide signals for auto-
matic shutdown of impaired control
axes or flight director functions if
Table of Contents
June 15, 1999
Normal Operation (Continued)
Autolevel Mode............................................................32
Altitude Select (ALT SEL)............................................32
Altitude Hold (ALT) ......................................................33
Indicated Airspeed Hold (IAS) .....................................34
Overspeed Protection..................................................34
Vertical Speed Hold (VS).............................................34
KAV 485 Vertical Speed Select ...................................35
Flight Control System Components ...................................36
KSA 572 Trim Actuator................................................36
Force Trim and AP Trim ..............................................36
KSM 575 Linear Actuator Assemblies .........................37
KCP 520 Flight Computer............................................37
AFCS Sensors ...................................................................37
KVG 350 Attitude Gyro ................................................37
KCS 305 Slaved Compass System .............................37
KRG 333 Rate/Acceleration Sensor ............................38
Control Position Transducer ........................................38
KAD 480 Air Data System ...........................................38
KDC 481T Air Data Computer...............................38
KAV 485 Altitude/Vertical Speed Indicator............39
Emergency Procedures/Limitations............................................43
Preflight Procedures.....................................................................45
Operational Examples ..................................................................49
Performance Specifications.........................................................75