Normal operation – BendixKing KFC 500 User Manual
Page 25

Normal Operation
Normal Operation
March 27, 1998
March 27, 1998
Altitude Select/Density Altitude -
Provides continuous display of alti-
tudes selected for altitude alerting
and flight director capture and track-
ing, or momentary display of current
density altitude derived by the cen-
tral air data computer. Preselected
altitudes are displayed in 100 foot
The current density altitude displays
for approximately 5 seconds at the
end of the air data’s preflight test
function. Pressing the PUSH BARO
TEST push-button twice in rapid suc-
cession summons the density alti-
tude display at any time.
Altitude/Vertical Speed Preselect
Control - Dual, concentric knobs
control altitude and vertical speed
preselection. To preselect altitude,
press the smaller knob to ensure it is
in the inner position. Rotating the
smaller knob adjusts the preselected
altitude in 100 foot increments, with
automatic roll-over to higher values.
The outer knob adjusts altitude in
1000 foot increments.
Pulling the smaller knob to its outer
position initializes the vertical speed
bug (5), synchronizing it with the last
vertical speed selected and refer-
ences the control knob to vertical
speed. The smaller knob adjusts
selections in 100 fpm increments,
with automatic roll-over. The larger
knob adjusts selections in 1000 fpm
Altitude Alert - Illuminates when the
aircraft’s current altitude is within 300
- 1000 feet of the value specified in
the altitude preselect display. Upon
reaching the selected altitude, the
ALERT annunciator lights again,
briefly. An aural tone sounds upon
illumination of the annunciator at
1,000 feet before and at 300 feet
above or below the selected altitude.
Instantaneous Vertical Speed
Indicator (IVSI) - Displays instanta-
neous vertical speed with 100 foot
resolution for values less than 1000
fpm up or down; and 500 fpm resolu-
tion for larger values to 3,500 fpm.
VS Flag - Appearance of the “VS”
flag indicates an invalid IVSI display.
Vertical Speed Bug - Indicates pre-
sent vertical speed selection.
Concealed behind the shroud at the
IVSI’s three o’clock position prior to
activation; upon activation the bug
moves to the vertical speed refer-
ence. Vertical speed references may
be selected with the KAV 485’s
Altitude/Vertical Speed Preselect
Control; alternatively, pressing the
force trim (FTR) release push-button
with the AFCS in the vertical speed
(VS) mode synchronizes the bug
with the aircraft’s current vertical
speed. The CBT switch may also be
used to change the reference in ver-
tical speed mode. The VS bug will
move respectively.
The KAV 485 Altitude/ Vertical
Speed Indicator provides centralized
display and control of some of the
KFC 500’s most commonly used alti-
tude and vertical speed functions.
Display features include an electri-
cally driven altimeter and instanta-
neous vertical speed indicator (IVSI);
altitude and vertical speed preselect;
barometric correction; and an altitude
alerter. Controls for altitude/vertical
speed selection and barometric
altimeter setting are included, along
with mode selector keys for activat-
ing the functions of the Vertical
Speed and Altitude Select modes.
The KAV 485 Altitude /Vertical
Speed Indicator includes a
preflight/self-test function that
ensures integrity of the display and
command features. Illumination of
the digital displays is adjusted auto-
matically by a photocell integrated
into the top right portion of the unit.
Display Features
A photocell is placed on the indicator
bezel for automatic dimming of the
digital displays.
Altimeter - Displays barometric alti-
tude information derived by the KDC
481T Central Air Data Computer.
The digital portion of the display pro-
vides resolution to within 20 feet
when the aircraft’s vertical speed is
less than 1000 fpm; and to within
100 feet when the vertical speed is
greater than 1000 fpm.
ALT Flag - The “ALT” Flag and digi-
tal “FAIL” annunciation appear as
necessary to indicate invalid altime-
ter information.
Altimeter Setting - Displays the cur-
rent barometric pressure setting.
Units are displayed in either inches
of mercury (IN HG) or hectoPacals
(Hpa), as annunciated beneath the
numeric display. The display units
are changed by depressing the
push-button (1) in the upper left cor-
ner of the indicator.
Altimeter Setting Selector/Push-
to-Test Control - Dual concentric
rotary knobs, with the smaller, inside
knob also featuring push-button
operation, control the barometric
altimeter setting. The smaller, inner
knob adjusts the single-hectoPascal
or hundredths-inch portion of the dis-
play with automatic roll-over to
higher digits. The larger, outer knob
adjusts the altimeter setting in tens-
of hectoPascals or tenths-of-inches.
It also features automatic roll-over.
Pressing the smaller knob activates
the air data system’s self-test fea-
ture, described in “Preflight
Procedures” section of this docu-
Inches of Mercury/hectoPascals
Push-button - Depressing the push-
button alternates calibration of the
altimeter setting display between
inches of mercury (IN HG) and
hectoPascals (Hpa), as annunciated.
KAV 485 Altitude/Vertical Speed Indicator