Vertical command control, Normal operation – BendixKing KFC 500 User Manual
Page 17

Normal Operation
Normal Operation
June 15, 1999
June 15, 1999
existing roll attitude if greater than 6°.
Roll attitudes of less than six degrees of
bank will cause the Flight Director to
revert to commands for roll-level flight
with heading hold. When heading select
(HDG) mode is engaged, the heading
bug on the EHSI may be re-positioned
to a new heading using the CBT switch.
Moving the CBT switch to the left will
slew the heading bug counterclockwise
while movement to the right will slew the
bug clockwise. The AFCS is designed
with absolute attitude limits and rate lim-
its. During fly through or other modes of
operation , the aircraft attitude/rate must
be less than + or - 45°/15° per second in
roll and + or - 15°/10° per second in pitch and 15° per second in yaw for the
AP mode to remain engaged. If these limits are exceeded the autopilot will
automatically disconnect.
Activating Discrete or Continuous Lateral Command has the following effect
upon command values in flight director operations:
Vertical Command Control
Using the same cyclic switch as
mentioned in the previous para-
graph, vertical commands can be
modified by moving the CBT switch
fore or aft. Operation of the Vertical
Command Control depends on the
flight director mode engaged.
Flight Director Lateral Command Values
Discrete Command
System Response
Roll Attitude Hold
First Click=6°, Subsequent=1° per click
Heading Select
1° Heading Bug novement per click
Continuous Command
Roll Attitude Hold
Roll Rate of 7° per second
Heading Select
16° Heading Bug movement per second
Moving the switch forward adjusts
the helicopter’s pitch attitude down-
ward, while moving it aft (rearward)
adjusts the attitude upward.
Activating Vertical Command has
the following effect on flight director
vertical modes: has no effect on ALT
ARM (altitude preselect arm), ALTC
(altitude capture), GS (glideslope),
GA (go around), overspeed protec-
tion (nose down or increasing air-
speed), and autolevel. To use
Vertical Command Control when
these modes are engaged, first des-
elect the mode. Vertical Command
will trim or modify the reference for
PIT (pitch attitude hold), ALT (alti-
tude hold), VS (vertical speed hold),
IAS (indicated airspeed hold) and
overspeed protection (nose up or
decreasing airspeed). Attitude Hold,
Altitude Hold, Indicated Airspeed
Hold, and Vertical Speed Hold will
remain coupled throughout Vertical
Command (CBT) operation.
Flight Director Vertical Command Values
Discrete Command
System Response
Pitch Attitude
0.5° per click
Altitude Hold
10 feet per click
Indicated Airspeed Hold
1 Knot per Click
Vertical Speed Hold
100 feet per minute per click
Continuous Command
Pitch Attitude
Maintains constant. acceleration profile
of 0.1 g or 2° per second whichever is
greater until released and then holds the
attitude at release
Altitude Hold
50 feet per second until release
Indicated Airspeed Hold
5 knots per second until release
Vertical Speed Hold
300 feet per minute per second until
Activating Discrete or Continuous Vertical command Control has the following
effect upon command values in flight director operations: