Autopilot automatic power-up self test, Preflight procedures – BendixKing KFC 500 User Manual
Page 28

Preflight Procedures
Preflight Procedures
June 15, 1999
June 15, 1999
Caution: The Autopilot (AP)
moves the controls during pre-
flight test on the ground or in the
air and crew should be prepared
for control / main rotor and/or tail
rotor movement.
Caution: Operation of the
Autopilot (AP) on the ground may
cause undesired main rotor or tail
rotor control/movement.
The Bell 430 has aircraft preflight
test sequences required in addition
to the general procedures described
here for the dual KFC 500 Flight
Control System. See the Transport
Canada and/or FAA approved
Rotorcraft Flight Manual for particu-
lar details.
Autopilot Automatic Power-
Up Self Test
1. Activate power. When flags dis-
appear alignment and Self Test
of external sensors are com-
plete. When complete, the HDG
and ATTITUDE flags displayed
on the pilot’s displays will be
switches are activated simultane-
ous with power being applied to
rest of the system, preflight test
of dual KFC 500 system will be
performed in normal manner but
will possibly display AP fail if
external sensors are not valid
within 3 minutes of power appli-
cation. This Failure annunciation
will clear when sensors become
2. Activate SCAS & AP PWR 1
and SCAS & AP PWR 2
switches (OFF extinguished on
each switch).
AFCS preflight test will automat-
ically start on selected system.
Observe the following annuncia-
tions on the ship’s Integrated
Instrument Display System
(IIDS). Momentary (yellow)
SCAS and AP Fail annuncia-
tions on selected system with
SCAS and AP Fail on non-
selected system. The selected
system will then annunciate
AUTOTRIM (yellow) for mini-
mum of 3 seconds at which time
AFCS DISC (red) will start
flashing and remain flashing
unless cleared for rest of test.
The above sequence is then fol-
lowed by SCAS and AP (yellow)
on for minimum of 3 seconds
followed by AFCS PIT, AFCS
ROL and AFCS YAW (yellow)
on for minimum of 3 seconds.
At the end of the complete pre-
flight test an aural alert will
sound for approximately 2 sec-
onds and all other annunciators
for the selected system shall be
extinguished if the selected sys-
tem has passed. Steady SCAS
and AP Fail annunciators of the
non-selected system shall still
be displayed until it has been
selected and preflight test per-
formed. Press the “Attention
Getter” to extinguish the flash-
ing AFCS DISC IIDS annuncia-
tion before selecting the non-
tested system. If “Attention
Getter” is pressed after AFCS
DISC (red) first starts flashing, it
will be cleared but will turn on
again at the end of preflight test.
3. The non-selected system then
should be selected by pressing
the AP 1 / 2 switch and verifying
that system transfer annuncia-
tion transfers from previous sys-
tem number (1 or 2) to newly
selected system number (2 or
The newly selected system will
then annunciate AUTOTRIM
(yellow) for minimum of 3 sec-
onds at which time AFCS DISC
(red) will start flashing and
remain flashing unless cleared
for rest of test. The above
sequence is then followed by
SCAS and AP (yellow) on for
minimum of 3 seconds followed
AFCS YAW (yellow) on for min-
imum of 3 seconds. At the end
of the complete preflight test an
aural alert will sound for approx-
imately 2 seconds and all other
annunciators for the selected
system shall be extinguished if
the selected system has
passed. If “Attention Getter” is
pressed after AFCS DISC (red)
first starts flashing, it will be
cleared but will turn on again at
the end of preflight test. SCAS
and AP Fail annunciators of the
non-selected system shall dis-
play the status of that system, if
both systems have passed all
AFCS Fail annunciators shall be
extinguished. Press the
“Attention Getter” to extinguish
the flashing AFCS DISC IIDS
annunciation if desired.
4. If the crew desires to reinitiate
preflight test on both systems,
for any reason after the initial
automatic test cycle, lift guard
and press the AFCS Ground
Test switch located on the over-
head panel below the
Emergency Bus 2 breakers.
Same test sequence shall occur
as on the newly selected sys-
tem automatic test at power up
(test item 3 above). Actuation of
preflight test by this switch shall
force the selected system into
preflight test. This crew invoked
manual test may be performed
at any time on the ground or in
the air.
5. An aural tone sounds in the
headsets only (no speaker) and
the SCAS and AP annunciators
for both systems are cleared
from IIDS upon successful com-
pletion of flight control preflight
test on each system. Individual
axis annunciators on selected
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