6 inches apart, Undock the computer, 6oftex docking services – Dell C/Port APR User Manual

Page 11: Securing the c/port apr

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If you are using the C/Port APR with a monitor

stand, you ean also press the undoek request

button on the doeking eontrol base (see

Figure 1 -7). Wait for the green doek indieator to

turn off.

Gently push the eject lever toward the back of the
C/Port APR to separate the computer from the
C/Port APR (see Figure 1-8).

4. If you are using Windows NT, you will see several

Device Removal messages. Click OK for each one.

6oftex Docking Services

If your eomputer is using Windows NT 4.0, the Softex
Doeking Serviees software has been installed. This soft­

ware eontains support for the following features:

Hot-doeking and warm-undoeking a Latitude CP

Series portable eomputer from supported doeking

Hot-swapping deviees sueh as diskette drives, hard­
disk drives, large-storage drives and CD-ROM
drives to and from your portable eomputer’s deviee


Compatibility with the Power Management Control­
ler that allows you to suspend and resume your

portable eomputer without affeeting your ability to
use the doeking station

Doeking or undoeking your portable eomputer while
it is in suspend mode

• Doeking serviees available in Freneh, German,

Italian, Spanish and Japanese

For the latest information on these serviees and the

Softex user’s guides, see


Securing the C/Port APR

Use one of the following methods to seeure the C/Port

A padloek alone or a padloek and looped seeurity

eable with the padloek hole (see Figure 1-1) on the
C/Port APR.

A padloek alone bloeks the ejeet lever and makes

it diffieult to detaeh the eomputer from the C/Port


A seeurity eable looped around a stationary objeet

and used in eonjunetion with the padloek ean help

prevent the unauthorized movement of the eomputer

and the C/Port APR.

A eommereially available antitheft deviee attaehed
to the seeurity loek slot (see Figure 1-1) on the

C/Port APR. Antitheft deviees usually inelude a seg­

ment of metal-stranded eable with an attaehed

loeking deviee and assoeiated key. Complete instrue-

tions for installing this kind of antitheft deviee are

ineluded with the deviee.

Bolt the doeking eontrol base (with the C/Port APR
eonneeted) to the desk or work surfaee using the fol­
lowing proeedure:

1. Drill two holes in the desk or work surface.

The centers of the holes should be

6 inches apart.

2. Save all files, close and exit all application

programs, and exit the operating system.
Turn off the computer.

3. Remove the monitor stand if one is attached

to the docking control base.

4. Undock the computer.

For instruetions, see “Undoeking the Computer”

found earlier in this doeument.

Dell Latitude C/Port Advanced Port Replicator User’s Guide 1-7