Welch Allyn Acuitylink Program On Your Mobile Device - Installation Guide User Manual

Install the acuitylink, Clinician notifier program on your mobile device, Installing clinician notifier

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Welch Allyn DIR 80017738 Ver A

Install the AcuityLink


Clinician Notifier

program on your mobile device

Installing Clinician Notifier

You will take these steps in this document:

Copy the AcuityLink Clinician Notifier program from the AcuityLink CD to a p.c.
hard drive.

Copy the AcuityLink Clinician Notifier program to the mobile device using
Windows Mobile synchronization software.

Install the Clinician Notifier program on the mobile device.

Copy the AcuityLink Clinician Notifier program to a p.c. hard drive, and
configure the files

To copy AcuityLink Clinician Notifier software to a temporary location on a p.c. hard


On your p.c., open the Windows My Computer directory.


Right click the AcuityLink CD item, and then click Open.


Open the Clinician Notifier software folder.


Open the Motorola_MC55 subfolder.


Copy and paste the ClinicianNotifier.CAB file to any temporary location on the p.c.
local hard drive.


From the support subfolder, copy and paste the appropriate .Net framework .CAB file
to the same temporary location on the p.c. local hard drive. Use the following table to
determine which .Net compact framework file to copy.


This document replaces the instructions in Chapter 3 of the AcuityLink



Notifier software installation instructions.


The .CAB file in the Motorola_MC55 subfolder is used for all supported devices.

Mobile device operating system

.Net compact framework file

Pocket PC 2003 SE


Windows Mobile 5.x


Windows Mobile 6.x

No additional .Net framework file needed