Welch Allyn CardioPerfect Workstation, Version 1.6.5 Network Install - Installation Guide User Manual
Welch allyn, Cardioperfect, Workstation network installation manual

About this document
This document is intended for use by persons with a working
knowledge of basic client/server networks. It describes a new
network installation of the software and database where neither
the software nor the database already exists. For the purpose
of this installation document, it is required that the server be on
the premises.
This Network Installation Manual is not intended for use if:
• the software needs to be installed in a thin-client environment
(Citrix, RDP, vWorkspace… etc.)
• the software will be used with an existing CardioPerfect
Workstation database
• the database server is located or hosted in an off-site location
• the software will be working in conjunction with an existing
Electronic Medical Records system
Note For detailed network installation instructions, please refer
to the CardioPerfect
Workstation Software Installation
(WACP Installation.pdf) found in the Manuals
folder on the installation CD.
1. Overview ................................................................................1
2. Install CPWS software on the server ....................................2
3. Install CPWS software on the computer ...............................3
1. Overview
Welcome to the Welch Allyn
(CPWS), the medical diagnostic workstation that offers the next
step for PC-based medical systems.
Product configurations
CPWS includes the following components:
• Server (database): You use this component to store and view
data sent from clients to this computer. Install only one server
at your site.
• Client station in a network (application): You use this
component to run CPWS with one or more of the diagnostic
modules. The client sends data collected by CPWS to the
server. You can install one or many clients at your site.
Note When installing CPWS, you must upgrade all clients and
the database. (The new software is not compatible with
previous versions of the database.)
Do not use CPWS software on any client workstations
during this process.
(next page)
© 2013 Welch Allyn Mat. No. 719544, 80018040 Ver. A
Welch Allyn
Network Installation Manual
4341 State Street Road, PO Box 220, Skaneateles Falls, NY 13153-0220 USA
800.535.6663 www.welchallyn.com/about/company/locations.htm