Welch Allyn Connex Vital Signs Monitor CO2 - Quick Reference Guide User Manual
Connect the sampling line to the monitor, Stop and restart the co2 pump, Set up etco2

Connect the sampling line to the monitor
1. On the left side of the monitor, slide up the door that covers the sampling
line port.
2. Connect the sampling line. Turn the connector to the right until tight.
(See the animation on the display.)
The CO2 pump starts as soon as the pump sensor recognizes the
sampling line. You must connect the sampling line correctly to
accurately monitor CO2.
3. Connect the sampling line to the patient as described in the directions for use
supplied with the sampling line.
4. Verify that you are using the Continuous Monitoring profile.
Note If “Allow profile change” is enabled in Advanced settings, the device
attempts to shift automatically to the Continuous Monitoring profile when
you connect the sensor cable.
Stop and restart the CO2 pump
1. To temporarily pause or stop CO2 monitoring, touch
in the
etCO2 frame.
2. To resume CO2 monitoring, touch
Set up etCO2
1. Touch the
Settings tab.
2. Touch the
Setup tab.
3. Touch the
etCO2 vertical tab.
4. Adjust the following settings as desired:
• Sweep speed
• Waveform scale
• Pump standby time
5. Touch the
Home tab.
IPI (Integrated Pulmonary Index)
IPI integrates four parameters (etCO2, RR, SpO2, and PR) and their interactions to
provide a numeric value indicating a patient’s overall respiratory status.
1. On the Home tab, touch the patient type control on the right side of the
Patient frame. The Patient Summary tab appears.
2. Touch the
Type list box and select patient type.
Note IPI is available for adult patients as well as three groups of pediatric
patients (1–3 years, 3–6 years, and 6–12 years), but it is not available for
neonatal/infant patients. Pediatric patient subtypes appear on the
Patient Summary tab and on the Home tab as a label in the IPI frame, but
they do not appear in the Patient frame.
Note IPI is available only with the Continuous Monitoring profile.