Welch Allyn VSM300 Addendum To - Quick Reference Guide User Manual
Addendum, How changing the patient type affects map defaults, Monitor behavior during equipment alerts

Welch Allyn Vital Signs Monitor
Addendum to the Directions for Use
810-1881-00 Rev A
This addendum contains the following information:
How changing the patient type affects MAP defaults.
This information is not covered
elsewhere in the DFU.
Monitor behavior during equipment alerts.
This information supercedes the information
presented in the DFU
"Recoverable Alerts" on page 68
How Changing the Patient Type Affects MAP Defaults
When you cycle power to the monitor, the monitor stores all current settings before shutting
down, and then uses these settings when it powers up again. Note that this does not affect
the factory defaults.
Whenever you enable or disable MAP (mean arterioral pressure) for a given patient type
(Adult, Pediatric, or Neonatal), the current MAP enabled/disabled setting becomes the
default power-up setting
for that patient type.
For example: If the monitor is set to the Neonatal patient type and you set MAP Disabled,
MAP Disabled
becomes the default setting for neonatal patients.
Monitor Behavior During Equipment Alerts
Recoverable Temperature, NIBP, or SpO
Alert — Not Escalated
Most recoverable equipment alerts are not escalated to the level of patient alarms. When an
unescalated alert occurs, take the necessary steps to correct the equipment problem and then
resume monitoring the patient.
For an unescalated equipment alert for Temperature, NIBP, or SpO
, the monitor does the
beeps once
displays the appropriate error code (Cxx) in the appropriate window (Temperature,
SYS, DIA, or SpO