Welch Allyn Cardioperfect Workstation Software Installation - Quick Reference Guide User Manual
Cardioperfect, Workstation software installation quick reference

4341 State Street Road
Skaneateles Falls, NY 13153
Mat. 711053, Ver. B
Workstation software installation quick reference
For a detailed installation procedure, including cautions and warnings, insert the CardioPerfect
Workstation software CD, select Browse the manuals folder, and open the installation manual.
To install the software
Caution: Connect USB devices only after software has been
installed. Otherwise, drivers will have to be installed manually.
Insert the CardioPerfect Workstation software CD.
The installer menu appears, as shown here.
This menu also appears when you open installer.exe
on the CD. The >> symbol indicates the presence of a
Select the desired menu items.
Menu item
Install CardioPerfect
Select this item to install the CardioPerfect Workstation program and the device drivers (for the ECG recorder and
spirometer) to the hard drive. Follow the instructions on the screen. US users: When prompted, select the
US default settings check box.
Install Example Data
Select this item if you would like to have some sample data in the database to experiment with.
CardioPerfect Device
Select this item only if the USB ECG recorder driver or the USB spirometer driver is not working and you want to
reinstall it.
Connectivity Tools
Select this item if you need to install CardioPerfect FileLink
, PerfectLink
thin client support, or to browse the
Tools folder.
3rd Party Tools and
Service Packs
Select this item if you need to install Adobe Acrobat Reader (so that you can open the user manuals on the CD).
Browse the manuals
Select this item to access the complete set of CardioPerfect user manuals on the CD.
View read me file
Select this item for a description of information contained on the CD.