Cleaning at the work room – Welch Allyn Fl-100 Intubating Fiberscope - User Manual User Manual

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1. The fiberscope should be Leak Tested before

proceeding with any further cleaning steps.

NOTE: See section on Leakage Tester Instructions.
The hand-operated Welch Allyn Leakage Tester is
available as an optional accessory.

2. Prepare a basin with warm water and a mild

enzymatic detergent.

CAUTION: BEFORE IMMERSING: Take OFF the “Red” ETO gas sterilization venting cap.

The use of an enzymatic detergent immediately after each procedure to dissolve and
remove organic contaminants and proteinaceous debris is essential to the care and
maintenance of the endoscope from the standpoints of infection control and functionality.

3. Remove the rubber suction control valve and the

rubber inlet seal. Then thoroughly (but gently)
wash the entire surface of the endoscope and its
components. Allow all items to soak in an enzy-
matic solution for the time period recommended
by the manufacturer of the enzymatic detergent.

NOTE: Do not squeeze or severely bend the
insertion tube. Do not use any abrasive materials.
Be careful to avoid damage to the distal lenses.


Suction Control Valve

Rubber Inlet Seal

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