Using gpio, Inputs, Outputs – ThingMagic Astra-EX User Manual

Page 40: Using gpio 40, Inputs 40, Outputs 40

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Using GPIO

M6 and Astra-EX User Guide


Using GPIO

The M6 and Astra-EX Reader includes a 15-pin D-Sub connector (also commonly

referred to as a VGA connector). This connector is used to support four opto-isolated
general purpose inputs and four opto-isolated general purpose outputs. The values of the
GPIO lines can be Get and Set using the MercuryAPI. See the respective guide for more
details on software control of these signals. For ease of testing the following parts
(included in M6 and Astra-EX devkit) can be used to provide a terminal block interface to
the GPIO pins:

– VGA male to male connector (for GPIO) [L-Com Part# DMB520M]

– VGA to terminal block (for GPIO) [L-Com Part# DGBH15FT]


The four opto-isolated inputs support the following input levels:

V-low (Logic 0) = 0-0.8V

V-high (Logic 1) = 3-30V

5mA max current with 24V input

It is recommended that external devices guarantee a minimum pulse width of at least



The four opto-isolated outputs support power sourcing, up to +30V with current sink up to

200mA, through an external power supply connected between V-GPO and ISO-GND
(pins 5 and 6).

Using the MercuryAPI the output signals (see note under

Connector Pinout


enumeration values) can be set as follows:

gpoSet(GPIO_#, 0) sets pin corresponding to GPIO enumeration to Vhigh through
10kohm pull up resistor to V-GPO.

gpoSet(GPIO_#, 1) sets pin corresponding to GPIO enumeration to Vlow through
effective short (through isolated FET switch) to ISO-GND.

All outputs have an active pull down to ISO-GND.

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