Tjernlund PAI-2T Fresh Air In-Forcer (Discontinued) 8504039 Rev A 06/00 User Manual
Page 4

This method of operation can be used to supplement or provide for guaranteed air change rates. Table 1 shows the constant Cubic
Feet Per Minute (CFM) of air necessary to produce the desired Air Change Per Hour rate (ACH), assuming natural infiltration of out-
side air at a rate of .10 ACH. Square footage is determined by calculating the finished living space of the house. Garages and crawl
space should not be included. The constant CFM figures shown assume that the living space has standard 8 foot ceilings.
1. Determine square footage of house living space on left hand column.
2. Pick desired air change rate from top row.
3. Locate intersection of these points to determine constant CFM that should be obtained to meet desired ACH.
Where the CFM delivery of the IN-FORCER exceeds that listed in Table 1, the Timer/Clock can be set so the IN-FORCER is cycled to
obtain the desired ACH.
2000 square feet of living space
.2 ACH desired ventilation rate equals 27 CFM
IN-FORCER capacity of 53 CFM based on Table 2, page 4.
In this example the timer may be set so that the IN-FORCER operates for one half hour straight each hour or two fifteen minute peri-
ods each hour.
The IN-FORCER may be mounted anywhere in the house. The best place to mount it is in an unfinished room where fan noise will
be isolated and exposed floor joists provide for easy installation. It may not be installed in a garage or area of the house where odor-
ous or noxious fumes are present. The IN-FORCER tempers air from the room it is installed in and this may result in undesirable pol-
lutants being introduced into the home.
It is recommended that the IN-FORCER discharge in a location where there is not a lot of house traffic or in a manner that it will not
be directed at the occupants. Keep in mind that longer intake and discharge pipe runs reduce the CFM intake of the IN-FORCER,
(See Table 2 PAI-1T or Table 3 PAI-2T).
Do not terminate adjacent to thermostat. Although the incoming air is tempered with existing room air, severe outside temperatures
may be noticeable at the IN-FORCER discharge.
Do not terminate within three feet from a barometric draft control or intake grille of an appliance, (See Diagram K , Page 7).