Tjernlund PAI-2T Fresh Air In-Forcer (Discontinued) 8504039 Rev A 06/00 User Manual

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In order to operate the timer according to the desired automatic settings, the automatic/manual override switch has to be in the center
position. NOTE: If power is interrupted, the time setting will be off by how long power is interrupted for. It will be necessary to reset
to actual time if the IN-FORCER needs to operate at specific times of the day.


1. The white tabs are set for 15 minute increments for all A.M. and P.M. hours. Push tabs to the outer ring position at the desired time

intervals the IN-FORCER will be operated.

2. To reset clock to actual time, turn the outer clock dial gradually CLOCKWISE until the actual time is aligned with the triangle marker

on the inner dial. NOTE: A.M. and P.M. settings on dial.


The IN-FORCER can be turned on so it operates continuously by switching the automatic/manual switch to "I".
The IN-FORCER may be completely turned off during seasons where adequate outside air is introduced to the house by switching the
automatic/manual switch to "O".


It is recommended that the Timer/Clock be programmed based on the lifestyle or needs of the occupants. For example, a family with
smokers may want to cycle the IN-FORCER more frequently than a family of non-smokers.

Another program may be to cycle the IN-FORCER during peak usage of exhaust fans, such as bathroom, kitchen, laundry or utility.
Outdoor air should be brought in at these peak times to help balance out pressure inside the house.

The IN-FORCER can be cycled on and off at regular intervals to periodically provide fresh air to the home.

The IN-FORCER may be operated continuously by moving the override switch to the "I" position. It can also be turned off during any
period in which adequate fresh air is supplied through windows by moving the override switch to the "O" position.


The example below shows a possible way in which cycling times of the IN-FORCER may be determined based on household occu-
pant lifestyles, (See Diagram A).

6:00 A.M. to 9:00 A.M. = Outside fresh air should be brought into the house continuously to com-
pensate for morning routines. Bathing, cooking, laundry and other activities such as smoking
necessitate that outside fresh air to be brought in. Depressurization of the house at these times is
common with many exhaust fans running at one time.

9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. = House is normally vacant with parents at work and children at school.
Cycle IN-FORCER on and off for 15 minute intervals to assure fresh air is supplied to the house.

4:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. = Outside fresh air should be brought into the house continuously to com-
pensate for evening routines. Bathing, cooking, laundry and other activities such as smoking
necessitate the need for outside fresh air to be brought in. Depressurization of the house at these
times is common with many exhaust fans running at one time.

8:00 P.M. to 6:00 A.M. = All members of the household are usually present. Outside fresh air is
needed to dilute occupant generated carbon dioxide during sleeping. Cycle IN-FORCER on and
off for 15 minute intervals, with occasional 30 minute intervals to assure fresh air is supplied to house.


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