Tjernlund UC1 Universal Control (Version X.02 or Earlier) 8504107 Rev 08/02 User Manual

Page 12

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The installer must perform Draft Check, Safety Interlock and Combustion Air Test as outlined in the Venter installation manual. If
Venter installation manual is not present use the following procedure below.

The Fan Proving Switch is designed to disable the appliance gas valve or
burner motor upon Venter failure only! It is not designed and cannot replace,
regular vent system inspection, appliance servicing and combustion testing.

1. Close all doors and windows of the building. If the appliance is installed in a

utility room or closet, close the entrance door to this room. Close fireplace

2. Turn on clothes dryer and all exhaust fans such as range hoods, bathroom

exhausts and whole house fans to maximum speeds. Do not operate a fan
used strictly for Summer exhausting.

3. Following the appliance manufacturer’s instructions, place the appliance in

operation, set thermostat for continuous operation.

4. Verify that Venter operates first, prior to burner ignition. Watch to make sure burner lights off properly.

After allowing appliance(s) to operate for 15 minutes, follow the appliance manufacturers instructions to verify that the recom-
mended draft is present. In general, most gas appliances will operate safely with flue outlet draft levels from -0.02 to -0.05" W.C..
If the draft is excessive, make necessary adjustments to the barometric control and/or follow the, “Venter Air Flow Damper
Adjustment” procedure outlined in Venter installation manual. As a cross check, a candle or match can be held adjacent to the
draft hood or barometric control to verify flame/smoke is being drawn into, and not rolling out of edge of the relief opening, (See
Diagram above). If exhaust gases are escaping from the relief opening of the draft hood or barometric control, the equipment
should not be operated until proper adjustments or repairs are made to provide adequate draft levels.

After allowing equipment to operate for 15 minutes, make necessary adjustments to the primary air intake and barometric draft
control to comply with the manufacturer recommended over-fire draft and CO


requirements of the burner. In most cases, the

over-fire draft should be in a range of -.02” to -.04” W.C. If adjustments to the primary air intake and barometric draft control do not
provide the required over-fire draft, the Venter draft adjustment must be repositioned accordingly. Measure over-fire draft and CO


after repositioning Venter draft adjustment. Follow the “Venter Air Flow Damper Adjustment” procedure outlined in Venter installa-
tion manual.

5. Next, turn on all other fuel-burning appliances within the same room so they will operate at their full input. Repeat Step 3 above,

checking the draft on each appliance.


The following guide is intended to be used if a problem occurs during the use of the Venter and UC1. It may be necessary to mea-
sure voltage during troubleshooting. Extreme caution must be exercised to prevent injury. If you are unable to determine the
defective part with the use of this guide, call your Tjernlund distributor or Tjernlund Products direct at 1-800-255-4208 for further

IMPORTANT: To reset faults, verify fault by checking the LEDs and then remove call for heat.


LED #1 (Amber) Appliance call for heat.
LED #2 (Green) Safety circuit through P1 & P2 (Venter Fan Prover) is verified “Open” upon start-up. Burner circuit is energized

with contact closure from terminal 3 to 4. Also verifies Venter prover is closed during run cycle.

LED #3 (Green) Power switched to Venter motor from L to MTR & M.
LED #4 (Red)

Status indicator.

LED #5 (Red)

115 VAC power supplied to board. Also used as status indicator.

LED #4 & #5 Flashing Alternately

= Prover start up fault. Venter Prover contacts “Closed” across P1 & P2 upon appliance call

before Venter is turned on. Prover status check must be activated, see page 3.

LED #4 & #5 Flashing in Unison

= Fan Prover circuit is “Open” longer than 60 seconds on start-up or 10 seconds during run

cycle. Venter Prover contacts are not staying “Closed” across P1 & P2 safety circuit.

LED #4 Flashing & #5 on Continuous = System in Pre-Purge. (Pre-Purge options 0, 15, 30, 60 seconds)

LED #5 Flashing & #4 on Continuous = System in Post-Purge. (Post-Purge options 0, 30 seconds or 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 minutes)