Adjustments and calibration, Troubleshooting – Rice Lake Translink™ Parallel Link Truck Scale Assembly User Manual

Page 6

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Attach the two links to each end of the load cell so the raised lettering (size) on
each link is facing away from the load cell to avoid any interference. Slide the
pin in through the hole of the stand. Position the links on each end of the pin.
Place the girder chair on the ends of the pin (Fig. 2-4 on page 3).


Slide the load cell mount into place on the pier under the main girder. Align the
load cell mount in the direction of travel. (Fig. 2-1on page 2).


Leveling the Mount and Securing the Girder Chair

Leveling is the single most important part of the installation for acheiving high-
accuracy weighing.


Adjust the leveling bolts equally to bring the top of the girder chair flush with
the bottom of the girder. Check to see whether the load cell mount is centered
under the girder, and adjust the mount if neccessary.


Mark the girder chair hold locations on the girder. See Appendix on page 8, for
girder chair mounting hole dimensions. Remove the load cell mount.


Use a cutting torch to make the holds in the girder. Be careful not to weaken the
structure unduly by making the holes too large.


Replace the mount, and bolt the girder chair to the girder (finger tight). Girder
chair bolts are not supplied. Recommended girder chair bolt size: 3/4", grade
5 or better.


Place shims, if necessary, between the top of the girder chair and the bottom of
the girder to level the girder chair within 0.5 degree of horizontal. Using a high-
quality bubble level (preferably a machinist's level), level the girder chair in
both directions (front to back and left to right). The shims should be as large as
possible to distribute the load. If necessary, adjust the leveling bolts to insert
the shims.


Level the base plate within 0.5 degree of horizontal to achieve a scale accuracy
of 0.1% or better. Level the base plate in both directions (front to back and right
to left). The base plate should be parallel with the girder chair, and the links
should be plumb.


Re-leveling, Securing, and Grouting the Base


Remove the cribbing for the particular mount and lower the platform gently so
it is resting soley on the mount. Again, adjust the leveling bolts if the deck is
not quite level with the top of the pit.


Re-level the mount and ensure that the links are hanging plumb. A perfectly
level system will minimize side load and bending moments.


Install all the other mounts in the system in the above manner before bolting and
grouting the base plates. After all the mounts are in place, remove all other
cribbing, and remove the platform wedges making sure it is still centered in the
pit. If not, then re-wedge and adjust the mounts as necessary. When you are sure
that the platform is at the final height and has the proper clearance, anchor the
base plates.