Load cell wiring, Caution – Rice Lake RLC Stainless Steel User Manual
Page 6

The M12x60 or M16x70 socket head screws (12) should be locked
securely by turning the thin M12 or M16 nuts (11) downwards to the
baseplate (4).
Locate the self aligning mount and secure it by using the four upper and
lower fixing holes.
Coat lower bearing (1) load surface with high pressure grease and insert
into RLC load cell.
Remove the M8x20 hex socket screw (7). Coat upper bearing (2) load
surface with high pressure grease, and slide assembly into place, ensuring
that upper bearing (2) and rocker pin (6) are properly located.
Replace screw (7) to contain RLC load cell assembly.
Rotate M12 or M16 nuts (10) counter clockwise by 1/2 turn at a time until
the load is taken by the RLC.
Warning: For safety reasons, always use a tool to align the upper bearing (2) if
necessary during this process.
A correctly installed mount should result in a height of 75mm or 100mm
for the low and high capacities respectively. Verify a free horizontal
movement of 3mm.
Use extreme care when lowering the vessel. The
force of a vessel weighing several tons can damage a
load cell if dropped only a fraction of an inch.
3. Load Cell Wiring
Route the load cell cables so they will not be damaged or cut. Cable should
not be routed near heat sources greater than 150
F. Do not shorten any
load cell cable. The load cell is temperature compensated with the supplied
length of cable. Cutting the cable will affect temperature compensation.
Coil and protect excess cable so it will not be mechanically damaged or be
sitting in water.