Rice Lake RL1600 Series - Stainless Steel User Manual
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frequently steam cleaned or if the load cell is subjected to direct washdown,
a protective shroud for the weigh module is recommended. Proper drainage is
necessary so the weighing assembly is not standing in water.
All support points should be equally stiff so that they deflect by the same
amount as the vessel is loaded.
2.2 Installing the RL1600
The type of installation and strength of the mounting surface governs the
method of locating, attaching, and assembling the RL1600 assembly. Carefully
consider three areas that commonly cause accuracy problems:
• Are the supporting legs adequately braced so they will not spread when the
system is fully loaded?
• Does the supporting structure have the necessary strength to prevent
excessive deflection when the system is fully loaded?
• Is there attached equipment such as skirting, venting, or piping which is
likely to cause binding or lack of flexibility?
Determine where to position the module and in which direction it should be
oriented. The RL1600 is designed to allow for lateral movement in the direction
perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the load cell. These weigh modules
should be oriented so that the movement due to thermal expansion/contraction
is perpendicular to the longitudinal axis. Sample mounting orientations to
accommodate expansion for different vessel shapes are as follows:
Load Plate and Clamp
Cotter Pin
Clamp Bolt
Load Cell
Tank Mount Base
Flat Washer