Rice Lake Adventurer Pro Series Precision, Ohaus User Manual
Page 32

™ Adjustment
Use this calibration method to adjust the span calibration point, without affecting the span or linearity
Calibration Adjust may be used to adjust the result of the Internal Calibration by +100 divisions.
Note: Before making a calibration adjustment, perform an Internal Calibration. To verify whether an
adjustment is needed, place a test mass equal to the span calibration value on the pan and note the
difference (in divisions) between the nominal mass value and the actual Balance reading. If the difference
is within +1 division, calibration adjustment is not required. If the difference exceeds +1 division,
calibration adjustment is recommended.
Actual weight reading:
Expected weight reading:
200.000 (Test mass value)
Difference Weight (d):
Difference weight in digits:
–14 (Adjust value)
To perform a Calibration Adjustment, touch AutoCal Adjustment from the Calibration Menu; Enter the
value (positive or negative divisions) to match the difference noted earlier in the procedure.
Recalibrate using Internal Calibration. After calibration, place the test mass on the pan and verify that the
mass value now matches the displayed value. If not, repeat the procedure until Internal Calibration
reading agrees with the test mass.
Once completed, the balance stores the Adjustment value and the display returns to the current
Span Calibration
Span calibration uses two calibration points, one at zero load and the other at specified full load (span).
For detailed calibration mass information please see the specification tables in section 9.
Note: Factory default settings are shown in bold.
With the balance turned ON and no load on the pan, touch Span Calibration to initiate the procedure.
Additional calibration values to be used are shown on the display. The best accuracy is achieved using
the mass closest to the full span value.
Note: To change the span calibration point, touch the alternate weight shown on the display.
Follow the screen instructions and place the specified calibration weight on the scale when prompted to
do so. When complete, the display shows the Span calibration status and returns to the current