12 hot, Swap, Ipmi firmware user guide am5010 – Kontron AM5010 IPMI User Manual
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IPMI Firmware User Guide
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© 2008 Kontron AG
ID 1022-2948, Rev. 1.0
automatic switch to the other Firmware Hub is done and another reset is initiated and the
“Boot Error (Invalid boot sector) event” for the failing Firmware Hub is generated (refer to
6.3.1, sensors ‘FWHx Boot Err’. x = 0..1)
6.12 Hot
As a hot-swappable field replaceable unit (FRU), the AM5010 also follows the same stringent
carrier grade RASM feature set, namely - Reliability, Availability, Serviceability,
Maintainability. When offered in combination with AdvancedTCA platforms, TEM (Telecom
Equipment Manufacturers) clients literally conserve valuable system AdvancedTCA system
slots. The AM5010 supports Full Hot Swap capability as per PICMG 3.0. It can be removed
from or installed in the system while it is on (without powering-down the system). Please
refer to the PICMG 3.0 specification for additional details.
During Hot Swap of a working module the payload side has to be shut down automatically on
command of the MMC and the end of shut down has to be signalled back to the MMC.
Because the AM5010 supports ACPI, an OS on the payload side which supports this too
makes shut down very easy. If the OS doesn’t support ACPI there is a special method to be
Method 1. The payload OS supports ACPI
• ACPI support must be enabled in the BIOS menu.
• The ACPI daemon must be active.
• An ACPI power button event must result in a sleep state.
Part of the Hot Swap 0peration sequence to be processed by MMC and OS:
• On command of the carrier controller the MMC simulates the pressing and release of
the “power button” to force an ACPI event.
• The ACPI daemon detects this ACPI event and initiates the shut down of the payload
software system.
• At the end of shut down the payload hardware system reports the sleep state to the
MMC by setting the appropriate signal line.
• The MMC detects the sleep state and reports this to the carrier controller (“quiesced”)
so that the Hot Swap processing can be continued and finished.
By default the MMC waits endlessly for the sleep state. Please note: Some Shelf Managers or
MCHs use a time out to simply switch off of a module which needs too much time to reach
sleep state. As this might be an undesirable situation, refer to the appropriate manual for
further assistance. In any event, if an endless wait is to be avoided, it is possible to set a
timeout time for the module’s MMC after which the system will be switched off
unconditionally. For the setting of the timeout refer to, OEM Module Quiescence