Energy fuel, Fibre favourites – Gastroback 40138 Design Multi Juicer Digital - Smoothie User Manual

Page 31

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Process honeydew melon through the Design

Multi Juicer Digital using low speed. Stir in

liqueur and soda water. Scoop ice into 4 tall

glasses, pour over melon mixture, mix well to

combine. Serve immediately.

peach and mint julep

Makes 4 serves:

6 peaches, halved and seeded

½ cup fresh mint leaves

2 tablespoons Creme de Menthe

2 teaspoons sugar

½ cup crushed ice

500 ml mineral water
Process peaches and mint leaves through

Design Multi Juicer Digital using low speed.

Stir in Creme de Menthe and sugar. Scoop

ice into 4 glasses, pour over peach mixture,

mix well to combine. Serve immediately.

energy fuel

Grape, kiwi fruit and berry booster

Grapes contain potassium and iron, provi-

ding a great pick-me-up after a strenuous day.
Makes 2 serves:

500 g green seedless grapes, stems removed

2 kiwi fruit, peeled

250 g strawberries, hulled

500 ml skim milk

2 tablespoons powdered protein drink mix

½ cup crushed ice
Process grapes, kiwi fruit and strawberries

through the Design Multi Juicer Digital. Mix

in milk, protein drink mix and crushed ice.

Serve immediately.

orange, carrot mint and beetroot


Makes 2 serves:

8 carrots

2 small beetroot, trimmed

¼ cup fresh mint leaves

4 oranges, peeled
Process carrots, beetroot, mint leaves and

oranges through the Design Multi Juicer

Digital. Serve immediately.

apricot, apple and pear sparkle

Makes 4 serves:

4 large apricots, halved and seeded

4 small red apples

3 medium pears

250 ml sparkling mineral water

½ cup crushed ice
Process apricots, apples and pears through

the Design Multi Juicer Digital. Stir in mineral

water and ice. Serve immediately.

fibre favourites

Rather than waste the fibre from the fruit and

vegetables that have been juiced, the follo-

wing recipes have been developed using the

left over pulp.

Carrot, pumpkin and feta flan

Makes 4 serves:

8 sheets filo pastry

60 g butter, melted

1 leek finely sliced

1 cup pumpkin pulp

1 cup carrot pulp

250 g feta cheese, crumbled

3 eggs

1 egg white

½ cup milk

2 tablespoons orange rind

3 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
Layer the sheets of pastry, brushing between

each sheet with butter. Lift pastry into a 25

cm flan tin, press over base and side. Trim

pastry edge to about 1.5cm higher than side

of tin. Combine leek, pumpkin, carrot, feta

cheese, eggs, egg white, milk, orange rind

and parsley. Pour into pastry case and bake

at 180°C for 25-30 minutes or until golden

and set.