EFCO 8800 Installation Instructions User Manual
Page 52

EFCO 2009
Page 52
Series 8700 / 8800 Unitized Curtain Wall Installation Instructions
1. Follow the check list in “Section 7 - Unit Inspection and Preparation for Installation” on pages 30 and 31 before installing the corner units to ensure units are
ready for installation.
2. Verify the adjacent unit has been installed properly with regard to established bench marks before installing corner units. If previous units are not in the
correct location, make necessary adjustments to align the units with the benchmark reference locations.
3. Corner units should be lifted by the two splice bars and the lifting lug (see Figure 113) attached at the head of each unit. The splice bars are also used to
align the units when stacked vertically.
Section 11 - Setting Assembled (One Piece) Corner Units
Lifting Lug
Splice Bar
Splice Bar
Figure 113
Note: This section is specifically
structured for assembled corner unit
frames. Two piece corner units
(separate unit on each side of corner)
may require additional anchorage
support at the corner mullions. Refer
to the final approved shop drawings
for more information.