EFCO 8800 Installation Instructions User Manual
Page 25

EFCO 2009
Page 25
Series 8700 / 8800 Unitized Curtain Wall Installation Instructions
41. Using an approved solvent or cleaner, clean the sealant contact surfaces of the starter sill depicted below of all oils and other contaminants. The
sealant manufacturer’s preparation and application instructions should be followed exactly. If sealant primer is required, apply it per the primer/
sealant manufacturer’s instructions.
42. Slide the next section of starter sill gutter onto the starter sill base while threading WC19 gasket into the adjacent gasket reglet as shown.
43. Butt the starter sills gutters together at the mitered corner and secure the unattached gutter to the starter sill base with SPZ1 fasteners.
44. Slide apart the WC19 gaskets to create a gap between the two gaskets. Apply a small amount of sealant to the end of one of the gaskets. See Figure 43.
45. Butt the two WC19 gaskets back together tightly, and remove any excess sealant.
46. Apply sealant into the void at the gap in the corner as shown. See Figure 44. Sealant should fill the void completely and must be tooled flush all around,
including the underside of the starter sill. Remove excess sealant to form a neat caulk joint in the exposed areas.
Section 4 - Dynamic Starter Sill Preparation and Installation
Figure 43
Figure 44
Tool sealant around joint
to create a watertight seal.
Thread the WC19 gasket in
the starter sill. Then apply
sealant to the end to create
a butt seal between the two
WC19 gaskets.
Note: This section is specifically
structured for assembled corner unit
frames. Two piece corner units
(separate unit on each side of corner)
may require additional anchorage
support at the corner mullions. Refer
to the final approved shop drawings
for more information.
Starter Sill Gutter