Dynojet Data Link Module - OBDII User Manual

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D A T A L I N K M O D U L E - O B D I I B A S I C C O N F I G U R A T I O N


Version 4

Data Link Module-OBDII Installation and User Guide



In the ESSID text box, type the wireless network name used in your business. The
ESSID are case sensitive, be sure to match the case of your existing networks


Select Auto from the Mode drop down menu. You can statically define the Mode,
however it is not necessary in most installations.


In the Key text box, type your wireless WEP key you have previously assigned to
your wireless network. If you do not have a WEP key on your wireless network, it
is strongly recommended that you use a WEP key.
The key is a hexadecimal key using a ten digit combination of numbers (0-9) and
letters (A-F).


Save the changes.


Unplug the crossover cable from the DJDLM-OBDII and remove the cable
connecting the DJDLM-OBDII to the vehicle.


Wait a few seconds. Reconnect the cable.
The wireless client will negotiate with your wireless network and you can begin
using the DJDLM-OBDII with the WinPEP software.

Figure A-9: Entering the Wireless Network Parameters