Page 17, Page 18 – Dave Smith Instruments POLY EVOLVER RACK User Manual

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Dest 1:

see table Mod 1 Destination - see the Modulation Destination table

on page 34 for a list of possible destinations.

Mods 2 – 4:

Same as Mod 1

Page 17:

MIDI Modulation

Velocity Amt:

-99…+99 Amount of MIDI Velocity modulation. The

Velocity of the most recent MIDI note is used.

Vel Dest:

see table Velocity Destination - see the Modulation Destination

table on page 34 for a list of possible destinations.

Mod Whl Amt:

-99…+99 Amount of MIDI Mod Wheel modulation. This

parameter has a smoothing filter, which will clean up messy MIDI controller data into a
clean response. If you want to bypass the filtering, use one of the four General
Purpose Modulation sets, which are unfiltered.

Mod Whl Dest:

see table Mod Wheel Destination - see the Modulation

Destination table on page 34 for a list of possible destinations.

Pressure Amt:

-99…+99 Amount of MIDI Pressure modulation, either

poly or channel pressure. This parameter has a smoothing filter, which will clean up
messy MIDI controller data into a clean response. If you want to bypass the filtering,
use one of the four General Purpose Modulation sets, which are unfiltered.

Press Dest:

see table Pressure Destination - see the Modulation

Destination table on page 34 for a list of possible destinations.

Breath Amt: -99…+99 Amount of MIDI Breath controller modulation. This
parameter has a smoothing filter, which will clean up messy MIDI controller data into a
clean response. If you want to bypass the filtering, use one of the four General
Purpose Modulation sets, which are unfiltered.

Breath Des:

see table Breath controller Destination - see the Modulation

Destination table on page 34 for a list of possible destinations.

Foot Con Amt:

-99…+99 Amount of MIDI Foot controller modulation. This

parameter has a smoothing filter, which will clean up messy MIDI controller data into a
clean response. If you want to bypass the filtering, use one of the four General
Purpose Modulation sets, which are unfiltered.

Foot Dest:

see table Foot controller Destination - see the Modulation

Destination table on page 34 for a list of possible destinations.

Page 18:

Misc Modulation