Page 6 – Dave Smith Instruments POLY EVOLVER RACK User Manual

Page 21

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Env Attack:

0…110 Attack time of the filter ADSR envelope generator

Env Decay:

0…110 Decay time

Env Sustain:

0…100 Sustain Level

Env Release:

0…110 Release time

Keyboard Amt:

0…100 Amount of keyboard (MIDI note) to the filter

cutoff. A setting of 72 will step the filter one semitone for each MIDI note, 36 would be
half-semitones, etc. Also, the MIDI note is derived using Oscillator 1 Glide, allowing
Glide tracking.

Audio Mod:

0…100 Amount of audio modulation from the analog oscillator

to the filter, separate in left and right channels.

L/R Split:

0…100 Split separates the cutoff of the left and right filters by

raising the left and lowering the right. Normally the filters track in both channels; this
allows a way to unlock them.

Page 6:

VC Amplifier


0…100 Sets a base level for the VCA (Voltage controlled Amplifier).

This allows the VCA to be essentially bypassed, which may be necessary for
processing external audio signals, or for Programs that drone.

Note – if VCA Level is on full, then the Envelope Amount will have no effect.

Env Velocity:

0…100 Amount of MIDI velocity controlling the level of the

VCA envelope.

Envelope Amt:

0…100 Amount of VCA envelope to the VCA level.

Env Attack:

0…110 Attack time of the VCA ADSR envelope generator

Env Decay:

0…110 Decay time

Env Sustain:

0…100 Sustain Level

Env Release:

0…110 Release time


see table pan settings as below. This affects the feedback; it

allows signal from one channel to feedback into the other, for example.


Output Pan Selection

LxxxxR Stereo 1 – Left channel panned fully left, Right fully to the



Stereo 2 – Left channel panned mostly left, Right mostly to
the right


Stereo 3 – Left channel panned somewhat left, Right
somewhat to the right