Dave Smith Instruments POLY EVOLVER RACK User Manual

Page 22

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Mono – Both channels mixed to the center – also useful
when only using one output


Reverse Stereo 1 – Right channel panned somewhat left,
Left somewhat to the right


Reverse Stereo 2 – Right channel panned mostly left, Left
mostly to the right


Reverse Stereo 3 – Right channel panned fully left, Left fully
to the right

Voice Volume:

0…100 Sets the voice volume; usually used for matching

volumes between Programs.

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Tuned Feedback

Feedback is implemented via two identical tuned delay lines, one for each channel –
see the diagram on page 12. Since the delay is tuned, it can be played by modulating
the feedback frequency, from the sequencer or other sources.

Note – Feedback can also be used to implement plucked string physical models –
use Envelope 3 with Noise as a destination (all oscillators off). Assign a sequence
to Feedback Frequency, play around with different Feedback Levels, and adjust
the filter cutoff frequency.


0…48 Sets the base frequency of the main feedback loop. It

steps in semitones from C0 to C4 (0 – 48) for a four octave range. The exact
frequency is influenced by other factors, such as the filter frequency and number of
poles, which can drive it slightly sharp or flat.


0…100 Level of feedback. As the level goes up the feedback will

eventually oscillate at the set Frequency. Medium levels of feedback add depth and
movement to the sound.


OFF…On When on, it enables nasty feedback at higher levels – it

will not have any effect at lower levels of feedback.

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The delay takes a mix of both channels as input, and provides up to three
independent taps, each which can be separately time or level modulated. The outputs
of the three taps are mixed and summed with the Left and Right channels. The delay
output also can be mixed back to the input of the delay for more ambience, repeating
delays, or tuned feedback if the feedback level is set high.

A second feedback path takes the delay output and routes it back to the input of the
analog filter; this path can be used for more extreme feedback effects.