BoonDocker ARCTIC CAT: Non-turbo Control Box 800/1000 Operation (New) User Manual
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BoonDocker – 2379 Heyrend Way, Idaho Falls, ID 83402 – 208-542-4411 / 877-522-7805 – email: [email protected] – fax: 208-524-7381 Page 5 of 5
Comparing the same adjustment numbers the following can be observed:
• Fixed Mode and Percent Mode adjustments are the same at 50% stock injector duty cycle.
• Fixed Mode results in more fuel at injector duty cycles below 50% than the same adjustment using
Percent Mode (observe low and mid-rpm ranges).
• Percent Mode results in more fuel at injector duty cycles above 50% (observe high rpms). Note, on some engines
and at higher elevations, stock injector duty cycle may not go above 50%.
Percent Mode Advantages:
• As the stock ECU adjusts fuel according to elevation and temperature requirements, the fuel
adjustments the control box makes will also be adjusted. This should allow fueling adjustments
to be consistent for various elevation and temperature changes.
• Percent mode is recommended for stock engines or engines with minor modifications.
Fixed Mode Advantages:
• The sled's stock ECU program may overcompensate fuel adjustments for certain elevations and
temperatures. For example, some early Arctic Cat tuning was found to be too lean at high
elevations. This could cause engine tuning to go from being safe at lower elevations to suddenly
becoming too lean at higher elevations.
• The sled's ECU is programmed according the engine's stock volumetric efficiency parameters
and how they behave at different elevations and temperatures. Adding engine mods such as
porting, pipes, etc. will change the engine's volumetric efficiency and it's fueling requirements at
various elevations and temperatures. For example, at high elevations there is less atmospheric
back pressure than at low elevations. A pipe designed for high elevations may become more
efficient at higher elevations than a pipe designed for low elevations, thus changing the engine's
fueling requirements.
• Fixed Mode is recommended for heavily modified engines that cannot be easily tuned using
Percent Mode.
◦ Big-bore engines that need lots of added fuel in the mid-range may be tuned more easily
using Fixed Mode.
◦ Race engines that operate way beyond the stock engine's rpm operating range may be tuned
more easily using Fixed Mode.