BoonDocker ARCTIC CAT: Non-turbo Control Box 800/1000 Operation (New) User Manual

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BoonDocker – 2379 Heyrend Way, Idaho Falls, ID 83402 – 208-542-4411 / 877-522-7805 – email: [email protected] – fax: 208-524-7381 Page 4 of 5

plug (pull out using a pin or paperclip). The corresponding Air Fuel number should be displayed in the Stats Menu
as shown below. Once the A/F Meter has warmed up, the Stats O2 display should correspond to the A/F Gauge.

Run 01/02 F 03 AN Run = Screen is in Real-time Run Mode, F 03 = Fuel adjustment,
1000 L1 14.5 O2 1000 = RPM, L1 = TPS 1(LO), 14.5O2 = A/F

A = Acel On, N = Nitrous On

Note: If using the Innovate A/F gauge, the O2 reading may jump around between consecutive readings. Use the
Programmer utility to change the response time to 1/12 second for best results (found in advanced settings in
LM software).

This graph compares the Stock injector duty cycle with adjustments (Blue line) made using Fixed (Red line) and
Percent (Yellow line) mode adjustments, both adjustments using a fuel adjustment value of 20.