3 precautions, 4 records, Precautions records – Salter Brecknell APD-100 User Manual
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APD-100 Automatic Powder Dispenser User Instructions
General information and warnings
1.2.3 Precautions
Here are some things which may cause inaccuracy in your scale operation:
Change in temperature. If the temperature changes more than a few
degrees, you must recalibrate the scale. Allow the scale to warm up for 20-30
minutes prior to use.
Changes in scale location or an unlevel work surface.
Uncentered weights on the scale platen.
Jarring of the scale during operation.
Weight accuracy is critical. Keep weights clean and carefully stored. If
dropped or damaged, have weights inspected against known standards.
Static electricity can cause the scale display to drift. If static buildup is
evident, wipe the scale with an antistatic sheet or use antistatic spray. Spray
on a clean soft cloth first. Do not allow spray to get into the mechanism.
If powder should get inside the unit, stop operation immediately and do not
use the scale until it has been serviced.
Do not press on the scale platen with your hand. You can damage the
loadcell. This is a precision instrument.
1.2.4 Records
Keep complete records of reloads. Apply a descriptive label to each box showing the
date produced, the primer, powder and bullet used. Never attempt to guess at the
identity of your ammunition.