Arc Machines 227 User Manual

Page 38

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Doc # 740063 Rev E




10. NEXT LEVEL KEY - Active when weld schedules with more than one

level are being displayed. An * will appear on the displays to indicate that

more levels are programmed for that weld schedule.

11. NEXT PASS KEY - Used to retrieve from memory the next weld pass

parameters for the weld schedule being used.

12. NEXT SCREEN KEY - Active when another screen (more data) is available

for a weld schedule or function. An * will appear on the display to indicate

that more data is available on the next screen.

13. NUMERIC KEYS - Used to select weld schedule number (3) or to enter

numbers during programming, overriding and set-up functions.

14. PREV LEVEL KEY - Same as NEXT LEVEL but levels appear in reverse


15. PREV PASS KEY - Used to retrieve from memory the previous parameters

used for the previous pass.

16. PREV SCREEN KEY - Same as NEXT SCREEN but screens appear in

reverse order.

17. PRINT KEY - If pressed when the status screen is displayed a copy of

system hours and software revision will be printed. If pressed during the

library screen a copy of the entire library will be printed. If pressed while

displaying a weld schedule the entire weld schedule will be printed. This key

will not be activate any other time. It cannot be used during an actual weld

sequence. The date will be printed on every copy.

18. PRO KEY - Active only if the OPERATE MODE SWITCH is in the

PROGRAM position. Pressing the PRO key from the Status screen will

access the programming modes. During programming the PRO key is also

used to store information.

19. SEQ START KEY - Active with the schedule screen. When pressed this

key will start the weld sequence (see 4.3).

20. SEQ STOP KEY - Active only during weld sequence. When pressed this key

will stop the weld sequence and start the downslope function (4.3 event 6).
