Other controls —continued, Multiple exposure lever, Memo holder – Nikon Camera F3AF User Manual

Page 72: Multiple exposure lever memo holder

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Multiple Exposure Lever ®

For creative and unusual effects, the F3AF allows you to record

more than one image on the same frame of film. To make double
or multiple exposures, follow this procedure:

1) Take the first shot.

2) Then to recock the shutter without advancing the film, push

the multiple exposure lever forward (Fig. 1), and stroke the

advance lever


Immediately the multiple exposure lever

will spring back to its normal position (Fig. 2).

3) Now you are ready to take the second shot on the same

frame. For more than two shots on the same frame, just re­

peat the same procedure for each additional exposure. When

you have finished, simply advance the film normally to the

next frame. While making multiple exposures, the frame

counter does not advance. The multiple exposure setting

cannot be cancelled once the lever is set in the "out” position.


If you wish to cancel the multiple exposure setting, first cover the

lens with the lens cap and close the eyepiece shutter: then make a blank

shot and advance the film to the next frame.

Memo Holder


As a reminder of the film type and the number of exposures on

the roll in use, clip off the end of the film carton and insert it into
the memo holder. While loading the film, insert the film carton

end before closing the camera back. When film is already

loaded, you must remove the DX-1 finder.