Ev range of camera, What is ev, Ev range of the camera – Nikon Camera F3AF User Manual

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The camera’s meter may be used only within the shutter speed

range covered by the exposure value (EV) range of the meter,

which varies with the aperture and ASA/ISO setting.
The charts on pages 68 and 69 show the reiationships between

the f/stop, shutter speed and fiim speed, indicating the usable
functioning shutter speed (for metering purposes) with any film

speed/aperture combination.
Careful attention to the following instructions will assure precise

exposure, automatically, over the complete exposure control

and meter range capabilities of your Nikon F3AF.

What Is EV?

Exposure value (EV) is a number representing the available

combinations of shutter speed and aperture that give the same
exposure effect when the scene brightness and ASA/ISO re­

main the same.



the combination of a one-second shutter

speed and an aperture of f/1.4 is defined as EV 1. If the aperture

is stopped down by one full f/stop or the shutter speed is one

step faster, the EV increases by one; if the aperture is opened
up by one full f/stop or the shutter speed is one step slower, EV

decreases by one. Using ASA/ISO 100 as an example, 1 sec. at
f/2 represents EV 2, 1 sec. at f/5.6 represents EV 5, while 1/125
sec. at f/5.6 represents EV 12. Because the exposure is the

same, 1/30 sec. at f/11 and 1/1000 sec. at f/2 both represent
