Backup mechanical release lever – Nikon Camera F3AF User Manual

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Backup Mechanical Release Lever ®

This lever is provided as an alternative method of releasing the
shutter in case the camera's batteries become weak or com­
pletely exhausted. To operate the lever, first use your fingernail

to pull it down to the ready position. Then push it down to trip
the shutter. The shutter operates at a mechanical speed of

approx. 1/60 sec. at any setting on the shutter speed dial, except
T. At T, push down the backup mechanical release lever with

the power switch @ off.


If you advance the film while holding down the backup mechan-

icat release lever, the shutter will fire immediately at the completion of

the film advance stroke, thus wasting a frame. Also, if you fail to advance
the film completely and then use the lever to trip the shutter, the mirror


will remain in the "up" position; when the additional stroke is made to

complete film winding, the shutter will lire, also wasting a frame.