Recording, About dvd recording, Notes – LG RH2T160 User Manual

Page 41: About hdd recording, Recording -48, About dvd recording about hdd recording

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About DVD recording


This recorder cannot make recordings on CD-R or

CD-RW discs.

• Our company takes no responsibiiity for recording

faiiure due to power outages, defective discs, or

damage to the Recorder.

• Fingerprints and smaii scratches on a disc can

affect piayback and/or recording performance.

Piease take proper care of your discs.

Disc types and recording formats, modes,

and settings

This recorder can piay various kinds of DVD discs:

pre-recorded DVD-Video discs, DVD-RW,

DVD-R, DVD-RAM, DVD-i-RW and DVD-i-R discs. The

disc format for DVD-R, DVD-i-R, DVD-i-RW discs is
aiways “Video format”—the same as pre-recorded

DVD-Video discs. This means that once finaiized, you

can piay a DVD-R, DVD-i-R, or DVD-i-RW in a reguiar

DVD piayer. The DVD-RAM disc format is Video

Recording (VR) format.

You can change DVD-RW disc format to Video or
Video Recording (VR) format, if required.

(Reinitiaiizing the disc wiii erase the contents of the


The recording mode is cioseiy reiated to the disc
format, if the disc format is Video Recording format,
then the recording mode is VR mode; if the disc
format is Video mode, then the recording mode is
Video mode (except for DVD-Video, which is not

recordabie, and so does not have a recording mode).

Within the recording modes (which are fixed for them
whoie disc) are the record settings. These can be
changed as required for each recording and

determine the picture quaiity and how much space the

recording wiii take up on the disc.

About HDD recording

Recording to the internai hard disk drive (HDD) is

basicaiiy simiiar to recording to a VR mode DVD-RW
disc. You have the fuii choice of recording quaiity
options, inciuding the manuai mode, and of course

you can record, erase and re-record as many times as
you iike. The capacity of the hard disk drive means
that you can store many hours of video on it, even in
the higher quaiity recording modes. To heip you

organize the contents, the HDD is divided into ten
genre. You can name and use these genres as you

iike—for exampie, you might have a genre for movies,

another for TV shows, and one for camcorder


Notes for recording

• The maximum number of tities that can be recorded on the

HDD is 255.

• Using the HDD aiiows you to record a maximum of 12

hours continuousiy.

• You cannot record a radio channei and teietext.
• The recording times shown are not exact because the

recorder uses variabie bit-rate video compression. This

means that the exact recording time wiii depend on the
mate riai being recorded.

• When recording a TV broadcast, if the reception is poor or

the picture contains interference, the recording times may

be shorter.

• if you record stiii pictures or audio oniy, the recording time

may be ionger.

• The dispiayed times for recording and time remaining may

not aiways add up to exactiy the iength of the disc.

• The recording time avaiiabie may decrease if you heaviiy

edit a disc.

• if using a DVD-RW disc, make sure you change the

recording format (Video mode or VR mode) before you
record anything on the disc. See page 24 (Disc Format)

for how to do this.

• When using a DVD-R or DVD-rR disc, you can keep

recording untii the disc is fuii, or untii you finaiize the disc.
Before you start a recording session, check the amount of
recording time ieft on the disc.

• When using a DVD-RW disc in Video mode, recording

time avaiiabie wiii oniy increase if you erase the iast titie

recorded on the disc.

• The Deiete Titie option in the Titie List (Originai) menu oniy

hides the titie, it does not actuaiiy erase the titie from the

disc and increase the recording time avaiiabie (except for

the iast recorded titie on a DVD-RW disc in Video mode).

• When using a DVD-rR/RW, the recorder wiii execute the

Menu-making operation to update the new titie and editing

when removing the disc from the recorder or turn off the

recorder. So you must remove the disc after seiecting the
recorder’s operation mode to DVD mode.

• The recordabie time of MLR mode with DVD-rR DL discs is

about 11 hours which is simiiar to singie iayer discs,

because the resoiution of DVD-rR DL disc is higher than

that of singie iayer disc.

• Overwrite recording is avaiiabie using DVD-rRW discs.
• in DTV tuner mode, this unit does not record the biack

screen such as no signai, rating biocked, or scrambied
channei, etc.

• During recording, the unit wiii stop recording automaticaiiy

if the unrecordabie condition continues more than an hour,
(for exampie, no signai, scrambied channei, etc.)


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