To use the auto tape speed function – Sony SLV-SE220B User Manual

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To use the VCR before a reeording begins, just press i/1. The© indieator

turns off and the VCR switehes on. Remember to press i/1 to reset the VCR
to reeording standby after using the VCR.

You ean also do the following tasks while the VCR is reeording:

• Reset the eounter (page 37).
Display tape information on the TV sereen (page 39).
Cheek the timer settings (page 57).
Wateh another TV programme (page 39).

To use the Auto Tape Speed function*^

In step 2 above, press m to seleet AUTO. When you are reeording a

programme in the SP mode and the remaining tape length beeomes shorter
than the reeording time, the reeording tape speed is automatieally ehanged to
the LP mode. Note that some noise will appear on the pieture when the tape

speed is ehanged. To operate this funetion eorreetly, the


must be aeeurate (see page 66).


• To set the line input video source, you can also use the CHOIX ENTREE button.
• Even if you set OPTIONS PROG.*' to SHOWVIEW in the FONCTIONS

AVANCÉES menu, you ean set the timer manually. Press MENU to seleet

MINUTERIE, then go to step 2.

To eheek, ehange, or eaneel the programme setting, see “Cheeking/ehanging/

eaneelling timer settings” on page 57.


• When setting the timer with VPS/PDC*' signals, enter the start and stop times

exaetly as indieated in the TV programme guide. Otherwise, the VPS/PDC
i^etion will not work.

• If the VPS/PDC*' signal is too weak or the broadeasting station failed to transmit

VPS/PDC signals, the VCR will start reeording at the set time without using the
VPS/PDC funetion.

• T h e © and OTD indieators flash in the display window when you press i/1 with

no tape inserted.

• The VPS/PDC funetion*' is automatieally set to off for the timer reeording of a

satellite programme.

*'not available on SLV-SE620B


not available on SLV-SE220B

To use the VCR after setting the timer










Recording TV programmes using the timer 53