Sony SLV-SE220B User Manual

Page 48

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Press the programme number

buttons to enter the ShowView

If you make a mistake, press

ANNUL/0 and re-enter the eorreet





Press OK.

The date, start and stop times,

programme position, tape speed and
VPS/PDC setting appear on the TV


• If“—” appears in the “ST”

(programme) eolumn (this may

happen for loeal broadeasts), you
have to set the appropriate
programme position manually.

Press M/m to seleet the desired programme position.

• To reeord from a deeoder or other souree eonneeted to one or

more of the LIGNE inputs, press CHOIX ENTREE to display the

eonneeted line in the “ST” position.

You will only have to do this operation onee for the referred

ehannel. The VCR will then store your setting.

If the information is ineorreet, press ANNUL/0 to eaneel the setting.

If you want to ehange the date, tape

speed and the VPS/PDC setting:

1 Press

you want to ehange.

2 Press M / m to reset it.

• To reeord the same programme

every day or the same day every

week, see “Daily/weekly
reeording” on page 49

• To use the VPS/PDC funetion, set

V/P to P. For details about the VPS/PDC funetion, see “Timer
reeording with VPS/PDC signals” on page 49.


Press MENU to exit the menu.

48 Recording TV programmes using the ShowView® system (not avaiiabie on SLV-SE620B)