Handling mds, System limitations – Sony MDS-JE330 User Manual

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Handling MDs












The MD is enclosed in a cartridge to protect the disc trom
debris or fingerprints and to make it eas\’ to handle.

However, the presence of debris or a warped cartridge
may inhibit the disc from operating properly. To assure
that you can always listen to the highest quality music,
follow the precautions below:
• Do not touch the internal disc directly. Forcing the

shutter open may damage the internal disc.

• Be sure to stick the labels supplied with the MD to the

appropriate positions. The shape of the labels may vary
depending on the MD brand.

Proper location
of the labels


Where to keep the MDs

Do not place the cartridge where it may be exposed to
direct sunlight or extremely high heat and humidity.

Regular maintenance

Wipe dust and debris from the surface of the cartridge
with a dry cloth.

System Limitations

The recording system in your deck is radically different
from those used in cassette and DAT decks and is
characterized by the limitations described below. Note,
however, that these limitations are due to the inherent
nature of the MD recording system itself and not to
mechanical causes.

"Disc Full" appears in the display even be^re
the MD has reached the maximum recording time
(60 or 74 minutes)

When 255 tracks have been recorded on the MD,
"Disc Full" appears regardless of the total recorded time.
More than 255 tracks can't be recorded on the MD. To
continue recording, erase unnecessary tracks or use
another recordable MD.

"Disc Full" appears before the maximum number

of tracks is reached

Fluctuations in emphasis within tracks are sometimes
interpreted as track intervals, incrementing the track
count and causing "Disc Full" to appear.

The remaining recording time does not increase
even after erasing numerous short tracks

Tracks under 12 seconds in length are not counted and so
erasing them may not lead to an increase in the recording

The total recorded time and the remaining
recordable time on the MD may not total the
maximum recording time (60 or 74 minutes)

Recording is done in minimum units of 2 seconds each, no
matter how short the material. The contents recorded
may thus be shorter than the maximum recording
capacity. Disc space may also be further reduced by

Limitations when recording over an existing


• The correct remaining recordable time may not be


• You may find it impossible to record over a track if that

track has been recorded over several times already. If
this happens, erase the track (see page 29).

• The remaining recordable time may be shortened out of

proportion to the total recorded time.

• Recording over a track to eliminate noise is not

recommended since this may shorten the duration of
the track.

• You may find it impossible to name a track while

recording over an existing track.

Tracks created through editing may exhibit
sound dropout as you're searching for a point
while monitoring the sound.

Some tracks can't be combined with others

Tracks may not be combined if they have been edited.

Track numbers are not marked correctly

Incorrect assignment or marking of track numbers may
result when CD tracks are divided into several smaller
tracks during digital recording. Also, when the
Automatic Track Marking is activated during recording,
track numbers may not be marked as in the original,
depending on the program source.

"TOC Reading" appears for a long time

If the inserted recordable MD is brand new, "TOC
Reading" appears in the display longer than for MDs that
have already been used.

The correct recorded/playing time may not be
displayed during playback of MDs recorded in
monaural mode.