Erasing all the tracks on an md, To cancel the operation, Erasing a portion of a track – Sony MDS-JE330 User Manual

Page 30: Example: erasing portion "b2" of the second track

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Erasing Tracks

Erasing all the tracks on an MD

Do the prtKedure below to erase all the tracks, track
names, and disc name at once.


While the deck is stopped, playing, or paused,

press MENU/NO.
"Edit Menu" appears in the display.


Turn AMS (or press [◄◄/►►I repeatedly) until “All

Erase ?" appears, then press AMS or YES.
"All Erase ??" appears in the display.


Press AMS or YES.

"Complete!!" appears for a few seconds and all the
tracks, track names, and disc name are erased.

To cancel the operation

Press MENU/NO or ■ .

9 You can undo the erasure

For details, see "Undoing the Last Edit" on page 36.

Erasing a portion of a track

You can easily erase a portion of a track by specifying the
starting and ending points of the erasure.
This is useful for erasing the unnecessary portions of a
track recorded from a satellite or FM broadcast.

Example: Erasing portion "B2" of the second







While the deck is stopped, playing, or paused,
press MENU/NO.

"Edit Menu" appears in the display.

Turn AMS (or press 1« /►►! repeatedly) until "A-B

Erase ?" appears, then press AMS or YES.

Turn AMS (or press /►►! repeatedly) until the

number of the track containing the portion to be
erased flashes, then press AMS or YES.
"-Rehearsal-" and "Point A ok?" alternate in the
display and the deck plays the first several seconds of
the track repeatedly.

4 while monitoring the sound, turn AMS (or press

^◄/►►1 repeatedly) to locate the starting point of

the portion to be erased (point A).
The time indication ("m (minute)," "s (second)," and

"f (frame = 1 /86 second)") of the current point is

displayed and several seconds of the track from that
point play back repeatedly.

To find a point quickly
Specify a unit (minute, second, or frame) by which the
MD is advanced when you turn AMS (or press 1« /
► W repeatedly).
To do this, press ■ <◄ /► ► in step 4 repeatedly to select

"m," "s," or "f." The selected unit flashes in the



Repeat step 4 until you've located point A.

6 Press AMS or YES to enter point A.

"Point B set" appears and several seconds of the track
from point A play back repeatedly.

7 Continue playing the track or press ►► to locate

the ending point of the portion to be erased (point

B), then press AMS or YES.
"A-B Ers" and "Point B ok?" alternate in the display

and a few seconds of the track before point A and after
point B play back repeatedly.


Repeat step 4 until you've located point B.

9 Press AMS or YES to enter point B.

"Complete!!" appears for a few seconds and the
portion between point A and B is erased.

To cancel the operation

Press MENU/NO or ■ .

? You can undo the erasure

For details, see "Undoing the Last Edit" on page 36.


In the following cases, "Impossible" appears and you can't erase
a portion of a track:

• The point B you entered comes before point A.
• After repeated editing of a track, it may become impossible to

erase a portion of the track any further. This is a technical
limitation of the MD system and is not a mechanical error.