Two Brothers Racing Front Fork Springs Honda CRF/XR50 User Manual

Page 2

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9. Put the flat, gray bushing at the bottom of the fork spring into

the vice, but be gentle with it because it can break. Take
a 1/8-inch drift and a hammer and punch out the pin as you
see here. Do not lose this pin.

10. Slip the new spring into the bushing as shown below, making

sure to line up the holes in the bushing, fork tube and gold
spring end.

11. Hammer the pin back into the hole, making sure it's recessed

below the bushing because you don't want it scraping the
sides of the fork tube. Repeat starting for the other fork leg.

12. Keep in mind, when you put the fork internals back into the

fork tubes, the notches on the top of the internals point
toward each other in the front end of the bike.

13. The brake-side fork leg goes on the rider's left. Grease up the

fork springs, and then re-insert the fork legs into the upper
fork tubes, then reinstall the bolts on the top of the triple
clamp and screw them into place, making sure that the notch
on the top of the fork internals is pointing inward toward the
opposite fork leg. Be prepared to hold the bottom of the fork
leg in place in order to tighten the top bolt completely.

14. Next, reinstall the circlips just like you found it to begin with,

and then use an open ended wrench to push it into place until
it makes an audible clicking noise.

15. Slide the rubber boot back up over the junction between the

bottom and top of the fork leg.

16. Take the front wheel and re-install it on the bike, making sure that

the brake side is on the rider's left, and line up the groove in the
drum brake with the notch on the inside of the left fork leg.

...continued on page 3

Installation Instructions


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