Two Brothers Racing Yamaha YFZ450X EFI Dyna FS Ignition User Manual
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164 S. Valencia St., Glendora, CA 91741 800-928-3962
The DynaFS is pre-programmed with a single performance advance curve (Ignition Cuve#2): +4° over stock, and an 12,000 RPM
rev-limit. A quicker throttle response and increased power over the stock curve is achieved. To select another advance curve, use
the DRSP-1 Programmer. For other advance curve information, see the attached Advance Chart. This ignition will allow the
engine to rev to a higher RPM, and is adjustable to 12,000 RPM max by using the CurveMaker software. Because the rev limit is
increased, the performance limits of other engine parts (valve train or piston for example) may be found. It may be necessary to
replace these parts for best engine performance. The DynaFS is shipped from Dynatek with 0% adjustments to all of the fuel
injection settings. For more information on fuel settings, see the section on Using the DRSP-1 Remote Programmer, and the Fuel
Curves Chart.
Using the DRSP-1 Remote Serial Programmer
The DRSP-1 Remote Serial Programmer (sold separately) is a plug-in programmer for adjusting the fuel injection and ignition
advance curves. Simply plug the DRSP-1 into the DFS HARNESS and mount the Remote to the vehicle’s dashboard for easy
access. The Remote allows adjustment to the stock fuel injections signal in multiple stages.
NOTE: It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to use a wide band oxygen sensor and quality gauge (such as Dynojet’s Wide Band
Commander) when tuning the fuel injection. Without a gauge, the air/fuel ratio cannot be determined and possible engine
damage can occur.
FUEL BASE – this setting will adjust the entire fuel map: 1 = 0% 2 = +10% 3 = +20% 4 = +40%
FUEL LOW – this setting will adjust fuel from 0 rpm to 3,000 rpm, in the ranges of: -17.5% to 0% to +20%
FUEL MID – this setting will adjust fuel from 3,001 rpm to 6,000 rpm, in the ranges of: -17.5% to 0% to +20%
FUEL HIGH – this setting will adjust fuel from 6,001 rpm to 10,000 rpm, in the ranges of: -17.5% to 0% to +20%
IGN CURVE – this setting will adjust the Ignition Curve, up to 4 selectable and all can be custom programmed using the
CurveMaker Software. (see attached Curve Chart)
NOTE: The DRSP-1 can be removed after adjusting the settings, and the DynaFS will keep the settings even with the battery
disconnected. If the LED on the Remote does not turn on, or the LED flashes continuously after 10 seconds, then the ignition
and Remote should be returned to Dynatek for testing.
Additional Features
The DFS for YFZ450R has many additional features. These are pre-programmed and they all can be accessed using Dynatek
CurveMaker Software (not supplied with the ignition). If the ignition was not purchased directly from Dynatek, the dealer may
have programmed a custom set of ignition curves and fuel injection settings. The dealer should be consulted with any questions
regarding the curves and settings that are programmed into the ignition.
The DFS ignition for the Yamaha YFZ450R has a Vehicle Speed Limit set to 100 MPH. This vehicle speed limiter is independent
from the 12,000 RPM engine speed (RPM) limiter, and is adjustable in the CurveMaker software from 5 to 199 MPH. This limiter
will be activated every time the vehicle speed matches this number while in Forward or in Reverse gear.
The DFS ignition for the Yamaha YFZ450R is shipped with additional leads coming out of the ignition. These leads allow the
ignition to control other features. To program these features, follow the instructions in the programming kit.
PURPLE/WHITE – Programmable Safety Vehicle Speed Limit. Ground this wire to activate, preset at 15 MPH (5-199 MPH
adjustable using CurveMaker software)
BLACK/YELLOW – Programmable Launch Limiter. Ground this wire to activate, preset at 3,200 RPM (0-12,000 RPM adjustable
using CurveMaker software)
BLUE – Optional 2-amp RPM window activated switch to ground, referenced as “RPM Switch 1” in PC Software.
WHITE/BLUE – Optional 2-amp RPM window activated switch to ground, referenced as “RPM Switch 2” in PC Software.
The Blue and White/Blue wires are 2-amp switches that can be used to activate a solenoid or relay. Connect the relay with hot
+12v wired to one side of the relay coil, and the other side connected to Blue or White/Blue. When the rpm activates the switch, it
will be grounded inside the ignition box, causing current to flow through the relay coil. DO NOT connect any device which
requires more than 2 Amps (Amps=Volts/Resistance). See attached wiring diagram for wiring the relay.