Dell PowerEdge C6220 User Manual
Page 50

FILE LOCATION: D:\Projects\User Guide\Server\Dell\OOB\HOM\C8220-C8220X
Table 1-30. Tools Menu Items
Menu Option
Sessions Options
Provides additional session viewer control adjustments.
The General tab allows you to enable the keyboard pass
through mode feature. Select Pass all keystrokes to target
to pass your management station's keystrokes to the
remote system.
The Mouse tab enables you to select the operating
system you are using to optimize console redirection
mouse performance.
The Video Quality tab provides video adjustments that
allow you to optimize the video for the best possible view.
Session User List
Lists the users in the management console.
Single Cursor
Enables or disables the single cursor mode.
If this function is disabled, the local and remote
operating system will use different mouse accelerating
algorithms, which results in offset between the local and
remote mouse cursors.
Displays the performance statistics of the console
redirection session.
Table 1-31. Power Menu Items
Menu Option
Power On System
Powers on the server.
Power Off System
Powers off the server.
Graceful Shutdown
Shuts down the server.
Reset System (warm boot) Reboots the server without powering it off.
Power Cycle System
(cold boot)
Powers off and then reboots the server.