Changing the default print settings, Advanced options – Dell 1130 Laser Mono Printer User Manual

Page 53

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Select Edit in the Overlay drop down list.


Select the overlay you want to delete from the Overlay List box.


Click Delete.


When a confirming message window appears, click Yes.


Click OK or Print until you exit the Print window.

Advanced Options

Use the following Graphics options to adjust the print quality for your specific printing needs.


To change the print settings from your software application, access Printing Preferences. (See

Opening printing




Click the Graphics tab.

This options you can select may vary depending on your printer model.
Refer to the online help for each option’s information provided from the Printing Preferences.

Font/ Text: Select Darken Text to print texts darker than on a normal document. Use All Text Black to

prints solid black, regardless of the color it appears on the screen.
Advanced (Dell 1130n only): You can set advanced settings by clicking the Advanced button.

True Type Options: This option determines what the driver tells the printer about how to image the text in

your document. Select the appropriate setting according to the status of your document.

Download as Outline: When this option is selected, the driver will download any TrueType fonts that

are used in your document not already stored (resident) on your printer. If, after printing a document,

you find that the fonts did not print correctly, choose Download as bit image and resubmit your print

job. The Download as bit image setting is often useful when printing Adobe®.
Download as Bit Image: When this option is selected, the driver will download the font data as

bitmap images. Documents with complicated fonts, such as Korean or Chinese, or various other fonts,

will print faster in this setting.
Print as Graphics: When this option is selected, the driver will download any fonts as graphics. When

printing documents with high graphic content and relatively few TrueType fonts, printing performance

(speed) may be enhanced in this setting.

Use Printer Fonts: When Use Printer Fonts is checked, the printer uses the fonts that are stored in its

memory (resident fonts) to print your document, rather than downloading the fonts used in your document.

Because downloading fonts takes time, selecting this option can speed up your printing time. When using

Printer fonts, the printer will try to match the fonts used in your document to those stored in its memory.

If, however, you use fonts in your document that are very different from those resident in the printer, your

printed output will appear very different from what it looks like on the screen.

Graphic Controller: Fine Edge allows user to emphasize edges of texts and fine lines for improving

Toner Save: Selecting this option extends the life of your toner cartridge and reduces your cost per page

without a significant reduction in print quality.

Printer Setting: If you select this option, this feature is determined by the setting you’ve made from the

On: Select this option to allow the printer to use less toner on each page.
Off: If you do not need to save toner when printing a document, select this option.

Darkness: The option adjusts the toner density on print outputs. The values are Normal, Light, and Dark.

For Dell 1130n, you change darknesss in the Printer Settings Utility.


Click OK or Print until you exit the Print window.

Changing the default print settings

Most Windows applications will override settings you specify in the printer driver. Change all print settings available in

the software application first, and change any remaining settings using the printer driver.


Click the Windows Start menu.


For Windows 2000, select Settings > Printers.

For Windows XP/Server 2003, select Printers and Faxes.