Dell PowerVault 745N User Manual
Page 74

You must also run the File Migration utility.
Specify the path to the Active Directory container in which you want to copy items.
Accept the default domain controller in which to store the migration log.
Specify the NDS Container or Bindery Container from which to copy items.
Provide the name and password of the Novell administrative account.
On the Initial Reverse Synchronization page, specify the password options (such as Set passwords to the user name.)
When you are performing a migration, this page does not include the option to actually perform an initial reverse synchronization, but it is the
page where you specify which password option you want to use.
Set Synchronization mode to Default object mapping or to Custom object mapping.
If you selected Custom object mapping, you are prompted to manually establish one-to- one relationships between pairs of objects.
Click Finish.
After the user accounts are migrated, you can migrate the file system (migrating the users before the files allows you to migrate file-system
permissions). Follow the instructions in the help topic "To migrate files." The prompts guide you through the following steps:
To start the File Migration Utility, click the Start button and point to Programs→ Administrative Tools→ File Migration Utility.
To view mapping relationships, click View Maps.
To view mapped access rights for the users, groups, organization units, and organizations to be migrated, click Access Rights.
The NDS Modify option converts, by default, to Read because it does not have an equivalent NFTS right. You might want to click the Write check
box to allow read/write access.
On the Step 2 — Security Accounts tab, verify that you are logged on with the correct Active Directory, NDS, or Bindery credentials.
On the Step 3 — Source and Target tab under Source (NDS/Bindery), click the volume or directories from which you want to migrate files.
Under Target (Active Directory), click the shares or directories to which you want to migrate files, click the Map button, and then click Next.
If the NDS or Bindery volume you selected in the source tree displays Unavailable, you are not currently logged in to that tree or Bindery server.
Log in, and then press
On the Step 4 — Log File tab, select your logging options, and then click Next.
On the Step 5 — Scan tab, click Scan, and then click Next.
The utility scans all source volumes and counts and displays the number of directories and files in each. It ensures that proper access has been
given to each source volume, directory, and file. If any errors occur, the utility displays them under NetWare scan logs and Windows scan logs,
respectively. You can select a number of acceptable errors; if this number is exceeded, the process aborts, allowing you to return to previous
steps to correct the errors.
On the Step 6 — Migrate tab, click Migrate.
Manually migrate (or use third-party utilities to migrate) object security permissions and system accounts, printer objects, application objects, and
other objects that MSDSS does not migrate from Bindery or NDS to Active Directory. (MSDSS migrates NetWare user accounts, groups, and
distribution lists for Bindery and NDS, and, for NDS only, MSDSS also migrates NDS organizational units and organizations.)
Upgrade your server(s) running NetWare to the Windows 2000 Server or Professional, or Windows Storage Server 2003, operating system.
On each Windows desktop in your NetWare network, uninstall Novell Client Access.
You must configure the desktops to join the Windows 2000 domain.
Optionally, upgrade NetWare clients (workstations) to the Windows 2000 Professional operating system.
Configure all client systems (both Windows and non-Windows), to join the Windows domain.
Be sure that the users know how to handle their password the first time they log in (for possible password options, see "MSDSS Password
Management" in "MSDSS Deployment: Understanding Synchronization and Migration)" at
The following step is optional.