Dell Intel PRO Family of Adapters User Manual
Page 20

If used with the -E option, a list of all NICs and their MAC addresses are saved to the
specified file.
If used with the -NIC option, all iSCSI Boot configuration options are saved for the
specified NIC to the file.
Reads iSCSI Boot configuration options from the specified script file and program
settings on the selected port.
Specifies the file name for -SAVEIMAGE, -RESTOREIMAGE, -SAVECONFIG and -
Pauses the screen after displaying every 25th line. In pause mode, the last line of the
screen will contain information that the screen has been paused and that the user
can press Enter to continue.
With this parameter, BootUtil will not display the PCI device location.
Flash Programming Options
Saves the existing firmware image in the flash memory of the adapter specified by the
-NIC option to a disk file. The destination file is specified by the -FILE option.
Restores the previously saved firmware image to the same network adapter using the
-NIC option. The source file is specified by the -FILE option.
Runs BootUtil without confirmation prompts. This option is used with the -
Power Management Options
Disables Wake On LAN functionality on the selected port.
Enables Wake On LAN functionality on the selected port.
Adapter Flash Enable/Disable Options
Enables the capability to run flash firmware on the selected adapter.
NOTE: This parameter is not supported on adapters using the combo Option
NOTE: This parameter is not supported on the following adapters.
Intel® Gigabit ET Quad Port Mezzanine Card
Intel® Gigabit 4P I350-t Mezz
Intel® Ethernet X520 10GbE Dual Port KX4 Mezz
Intel® Ethernet X520 10GbE Dual Port KX4-KR Mezz
Intel® Ethernet 10G 2P X520-k bNDC
Intel® Ethernet 10G 2P X540-t Adapter
Intel® Ethernet 10G 4P X540/I350 rNDC
Disables the capability to run flash firmware on the selected adapter.
NOTE: This parameter is not supported on adapters using the combo Option
NOTE: This parameter is not supported on the following adapters.
Intel® Gigabit ET Quad Port Mezzanine Card
Intel® Gigabit 4P I350-t Mezz