Compaq Graphical User Interface mar345 User Manual

Page 8

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mar345 Program Manual



2.5 Starting Up

Create a new window for running the program and type: "mar345". Do not run the program in
the background and do not use this window for other purposes. The program will send
important output to the window and you don’t want to miss it.
At start up, the program will tell you something like:







2.0.8 (Feb 16 2000)

Scanner no. :


Scanner mode:

345 mm @ 0.15 mm

Started on


Wed Feb 16 15:09:08 2000


file is:



file is:


STAT file is:



It will also tell you if it is able to talk to the scanner. If environment variables are not set you
will be notified. Next, three windows will be created and automatically placed on the screen:
a startup window, the mar345 main window and an empty image display window.

If the scanner is not turned on at all, by invoking program mar345 on the command line, you
will not get any feed back. This is because the program tries to open a network connection to
the scanner and the program will sit there and wait until the scanner starts talking to it.

When the scanner is turned on, the scanner controller will start very quickly basic network
services, so a ping to the address of the scanner (usually will work within 10
seconds after turning the scanner on. However, before starting communication with the
program mar345, the scanner must do first some initialization, i.e. drive the scanning head to
its default position (scan mode 2300) and lock the plate. Only when the plate is successfully
locked ("cling!") program mar345 can start talking to the scanner. You may, however, start
the program first and then turn on the scanner. The program really waits until a connection
can be established.