2 checking parameters, 3 errors and warnings, 4 end of data collection – Compaq Graphical User Interface mar345 User Manual
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mar345 Program Manual
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The decision about what pixelsize to choose is slightly more difficult. In general, the finest
pixelsize of 0.1mm is more efficient and yields slightly better data. On the other hand, scans
take about 10% longer time and images are larger in size than those taken at the same
diameter but in 0.15mm pixelsize mode. So the decision is some kind of compromise.
Output format:
Use of "mar345" format is strongly suggested. A mar345 file typically requires 70% less disk
space than a standard uncompressed image file. All major protein data processing packages
support this format.
Collect mode:
Use TIME mode unless on synchrotrons.
For indexing crystals, usually 2 images that differ from each other by a movement in
of 90
degrees gives good results. In the case of very small molecules (i.e. cell axes of about 10
deg.) you may not get enough spots from 2 images only.
5.2 Checking Parameters
Before starting a data collection, mar345 makes a consistency check of the input parameters.
In most cases the program will tell you if the input parameters really do not make sense. It
checks wether files can be opened, if there is enough disk space, etc.
5.3 Errors and Warnings
In case of computer or scanner problems, warning messages will be printed on standard
output and in the log file. Very important messages will also be displayed in a special window.
Problems fall into 3 categories: fatal errors, warnings and notifications. See chapter
Troubleshooting for more details.
5.4 End of Data Collection
After having finished a data set, mar345 writes a summary into the corresponding data
directory. The summary files come in 2 formats:
− image_root.SUMMARY
= plain Ascii text file
− image_root.html
= Ascii−file with HTML−formatting instructions.
These files should be printed and archived.