Introduction – Compaq Graphical User Interface mar345 User Manual
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mar345 Program Manual
1. Introduction
The program mar345 is a fully menu driven graphical user interface (GUI) for collecting and
displaying images on a mar345 imaging plate system.
The program is provided as binary executable for several computer platforms and operating
− Silicon Graphics:
IRIX 5.x, 6.x
− Digital:
Compaq Tru Unix 4.x, 5.x
− Linux:
RedHat 5.x, 6.x, SuSE 6.x
1.1 Computer Requirements
− Motif 1.2.x shared libraries (except Linux).
− 8/16/24/32−bit colors X−windows terminal with 1280x1024 pixels.
− Standard Helvetica and Symbol fonts.
− 96 MB RAM memory or more.
1.2 Environment
The program relies on definitions of the following environment variables:
Location of the scanner specific calibration files mar2300.XXX
and mar3450.XXX and the corresponding configuration file
config.XXX (where XXX = MAR_SCANNER_NO ).
Three digit serial number, e.g. 049.
Location of the log output files.
Location of interactive help files.
The program relies on the correct network setup, i.e. the mar345 scanner must be accessible
by ping and telnet with IP−address
For a description of the setup of the mar345 software suite, see the "mar345 Installation