Baumer FHDx14 IO User Manual
Page 6
Baumer Electric AG
Frauenfeld, Switzerland
Bit 1: Switching bit
The switching bit assumes the function of the switching output in IO-Link communication mode
Bit1 = 0
There is no object in the switching range
Bit0 = 1
There is an object in the switching range
Bit 2: Quality
This bit provides information about the quantity of light reflected by the object (dust indicator).
Bit2 = 0
reflected light above the threshold (sufficient signal)
Bit2 = 1
reflected light below the threshold (weak signal)
Bit3: Not used
4.2 Parameters and commands
Parameters and commands are written to the device or read off the device via indices. The read and write
function of indices is provided by the IO-Link master. The user can write a value into an index or read a value
off an index.
Product data
Some parameters contain product information like manufacturer's name, product name, and number, plus
room for a user-specific designation of the sensor (see: 6.1 Table of general parameters).
For a description of the parameters, see 6.2 Table of work parameters.
The following settings are possible via parameters:
Setting the switching point (numerical or manual teach-in)
Defining the output state (light or dark switching)
Selecting a teach-in function
Setting a delay function at the switching output. Value range from 1 to 1000 ms
Defining the threshold for the dust indicator
Commands are written to index 0x02 (system command). For a description of the commands, see 6.3 Table
of system commands.
The following settings can be made via commands:
Teach-in and application of the switching point
Save changed parameters
Restore to factory settings
Saving changes
If parameter changes are made by directly writing parameters or by a command (also restoring to factory
settings), the settings must be permanently saved by the command Save parameters. Otherwise the
changes are lost after the sensor is restarted, and the last saved entries are reactivated.